Yesterday I attending the first Quaker meeting for worship in Second Life, organized by Otenth Paderborn, a real life Quaker from the Boston-area. It was an intimate gathering of a dozen or so avatars from all over, most of whom appeared to be members or attenders of Quaker meetings where they lived in the real…
Category: The Spirit
Considering in-world violence as a Quaker pacifist
Catherine Linden posts on the official SL blog that the Linden Lab PR department is looking for "folks who are using Second Life in the pursuit of religious or spiritual ends." As some of you know, I’m a Quaker. Not a great Quaker, but still a member of the Religious Society of Friends. After the…
Seeking the Light in virtuality: Quakers in Second Life
Otenth Paderborn tells me that he has decided to start up a Quaker group in Second Life and is organizing the first Quaker service on Saturday February 10 at 9AM PST at (appropriately enough) Quaker (155, 22, 31) . I am very excited about an in-world Quaker service, although I have my doubts about how…
New Year’s Deep Thought: speaking truth to your loved ones
So I have been thinking about how important it is to surround yourself with good people. And not just because people are happier when they have more friends and family around them. That’s obviously an asset. I often wonder how people get by with just a small nuclear family instead of the army of cousins,…