I’m just back from Africa, a bit browner, a bit fatter, and excited to share about all I experienced. There’s so much to write about my two week trip to South Africa, it’s hard to know where to start. So instead of trying to write a huge magnum opus that few people would be interested…
Category: Travel
Mother City Hop Was Awesome!
I'm way behind on my blogging because we've been so busy having fun in Cape Town! But just a quick shout to the Mother City Hop organizers for putting on a fantastic dance event. It was everything I hoped for and more — fun dance parties, awesome tours of the city, incredible dance workshops, and…
Exploring Johannesburg: a Hipster Market, Strolling through Apartheid and in Da Club
Hanah and I started the first leg of our epic South African adventure in the mega-city of Johannesburg. Home to a rich mix of 4.5 million blacks, "coloureds" and whites, Joburg is a much cooler place than I anticipated. We arrived early in the morning on a Sunday to the very popular hostel Curioucity Backpackers…
Recalling a Life-changing Trip to the Philippines
Check this picture out! I'm in my early twenties, a zillion years ago, on my first trip to the homeland of the Philippines with my gramma. That's her in the background wearing one of her many muumuus. As I prepare to depart for South Africa, I'm thinking about that formative journey. I didn't know how…
Off the South Africa for a Safari, Penguins and Lindy Hop!
I'm so excited to share the news that I will be traveling in South Africa from March 17 to April 3! My friend Hanah and I are headed for a fantastic African adventure, including a four day safari, a week in Capetown, and a lindy hop dance camp! One of the main reasons for our…
Celebrating a Swing Icon and Pastry Bingeing in NYC
This week, I had the pleasure of visiting New York for a happy and sad occasion, a celebration of the life of Dawn Hampton, an icon in the lindy hop community who passed away late last year. I always love being in New York, a place that still has my heart, despite being away for six years…
Lindy Focus 2016 : Chick Webb, 20s Charleston, Almond Croissants and All the Feels
Me and my Lindy Focus "Wife" Jodie This is my third year in a row going to the Lindy Focus swing music and dance festival in Asheville, North Carolina. (Blog posts from 2014 and 2015.) It's always an incredible, inspiring experience, and a great way to close out the year. Here are some of my personal highlights from Lindy…
My 2016 in Pictures
It's been a strange year for a lot of people including myself, with a lot of drama and ups and downs. That said, I have a lot to be thankful for in 2016. Here's a pictorial recap of some of my favorite moments in the year. Dancing Dancing was a huge part of 2016, which…
Reindeer Ride 2016: Holiday Night Bike through San Francisco!
For year's I've been wanting to go on a holiday lights bike ride around San Francisco, to see all the beautiful decorations. This year I got the gumption to organize a "Reindeer Ride" with some friends a couple of weeks ago. Here's how it went. To prepare, I decorated my bicycle and helmet. It was easy to…
Lighting Up My Brompton Folding Bike with El Wire
On Friday, some friends and I are going on a holiday bike ride around San Francisco, something I have been wanting to do for awhile. I’m super excited about exploring my city and seeing the pretty displays. But honestly, it’s just a good excuse for me to decorate my bike with festive lights! You have…