Here's the amazing Tamar Korn singing with the Gauchos band at Cafe Pascucci in SOMA last Saturday. It was a really fun night with folks just packed in who came to hear Gauchos play, as well as a dozen or so lindy hoppers who came to dance. There was a super tiny dance floor…
Quaker Meeting, Instant Gratification, and the Value of Boredom
Here’s the gist of my message in Quaker Meeting today: I recently read an article on how the state of boredom is no longer a part of our daily experience. We have in our pockets small devices that allow us to entertain, amuse or at least stimulate us whenever we want, whether it is riding…
Tamar Korn with the Gauchos Last Night at Amnesia Bar: Jazz Bliss! (video)
I'm still kvelling from the amazing two sets of music performed last night by the Gauchos jazz band playing with the incomparable jazz singer Tamar Korn at Amnesia Bar in the Mission. The Gauchos always put on an amazing gig, which SF lindy hoppers and jazz heads have known about for awhile. But with…
Mixed-reality Clubbing: the Bootie Mashup Party in San Francisco and Second Life (video)
On Saturday night, my buddy Hamlet and I checked out the Bootie Mashup Party at DNA Lounge in San Francisco, the grand-daddy of all mashup events in the country. This was an especially appropriate night for Hamlet and I to be there since they were simulcasting their party into Second Life, at the hip…
Interview with Remy Kouame, Dancer in “Two Cousins” Music Video & Boogie Woogie World Champ
On episode 135 of the Yehoodi Talk Show, Spuds and I chatted with French lindy hopper Remy Kouame about dancing in the "Two Cousins" music video by the band Slow Club. Find out how Remy went from world champion boogie woogie dancer, to new convert to lindy, to starring role in a music video. …
Where I Get My Food Obsessions From
This is why I will get big as a house if I continue living with my mother. This is an actual transcript of her eating a cookie: Mom: Ricky, have you tried these white cookies I made? Me: No, mom. I just ate some fruit. Not hungry. Mom: Wow, this cookie is soooo good. Me:…
Weird European Packaging: Atamon Danish Preservative
When I saw this product at a supermarket in Sweden, I had to buy it. Even though I had no idea what it was. The clerk in the store was equally puzzled, mumbling something about "preservative." Now I have found out that "Atamon" is a Danish product that is used in jellies and pickles to…
Does This Sound Phishy to You?
I can't tell if this email response to a Craigslist housing advert is a phishing scheme or not. What do you think? (Identifying details removed): Thanks for the email. My name is [ name ] the owner of the 1 Bedroom Condo you are making enquiry of, I've had so many responses so far, however…
Lindy Hoppers Flashmob Central Park (video)
Check out this fun video of a bunch of New York lindy hoppers doing a flashmob performance near the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park, NYC last week. I've danced on those tiles around the fountain and know how difficult they are to swing on. Nice work, everyone! And gotta love that song "The Walk"…
Digitizing Performance: Increasing Reach, Decreasing Power
Today at Quaker Meeting I was thinking about how the experience of any kind of performance is affected by the format that is received. A symphony listened to from the lawn in Central Park with thousands of other picnickers has little relationship to the same symphony heard from a video recording uploaded to YouTube. And…