Here's a video snippet from the "Route 66" routine that I performed with the FreePlay Dance Crew this past Saturday at the Central Market Arts Fair in downtown San Francisco. It's missing a few counts of the opening, but otherwise this is the whole routine. I hope you enjoy watching it as much as…
Dancing with FreePlay Crew at the Central Market Arts Fair
Today I performed with the FreePlay Dance Crew at the Central Market Arts Fair in downtown San Francisco for a crowd of about 50 passersby. This was the culmination of just four weeks of work together, twice a week. And yet, I think we put together a fun, entertaining and unique "fusion" dance piece. It…
Hello My Name Is Rik
I was at one of those events tonight where you need to make yourself a nametag. I like this one I made for myself because : The colors go perfectly with the shirt I'm wearing My printing looks like it was done by a 5 year old, perhaps one with special needs I should have this…
Me Rocking Out at the Gatsby Summer Afternoon Dance (video)
Someone tipped me off about this tiny video clip of me solo charlestoning at the Gatsby Summer Afternoon dance from a couple of weeks ago. It's always funny to run across random videos of yourself dancing! I almost manage to avoid doing any hip-hop until the final second. LOL.
“Planet B-Boy” Playing FREE on Hulu! (video)
"Planet B-Boy" is for many the best b-boying film ever made, and in my opinion one of the best dance movies ever, period. Directed by Benson Lee, "Planet B-Boy" (2007) is now streaming for FREE on From the opening montage to the epic final battle at the end between two outstanding crews, "Planet B-Boy" is…
PMT House of Dance: Celebrating 10 Years of Hip-hop Dance in NYC
Right now as I post this, I believe there is a drunken celebration / roast for the 10 year anniversary of the PMT House of Dance, the place that made me the b-boy I am today. Hopefully there is a lot of good natured roasting of Pavan Thimmaiah, owner and lead teacher of the best…
LXD Season 3, Episode 9 “Alliance of the Dark”: Madd Chadd with IamME Crew!
I have been just "meh" about the last few episodes of The LXD, I have to admit. The whole "dance fighting" thing just kind of gets old, and I'm tired of the LXD dancers getting pwned by the "bad" dancers every episode. Why are they the "Legion of Extraordinary Dancers" if they keep getting beat?…
The 27th Annual Gatsby Summer Afternoon: A Festive, Swinging Celebration of a Simpler Time
On Sunday (September 11, of all days!) I had the pleasure of spending a lovely day at the 27th Annual "Gatsby Summer Afternoon" picnic sponsored by the Art Deco Society of California. The Gatsby Summer Afternoon is a lavish celebration of a bygone era, with a couple of hundred dedicated fans of the styles and…
Ten Years Ago on 9/11…
Ten years ago, I was lying in bed with a cold. At the time, I was living in a group house in lower Manhattan in a closet sized room with barely space for a twin mattress and an iMac. I had forgotten to turn off my radio alarm clock, which went off at 7:45am. I…
CEO Rod Humble’s Awesome, Ecclectic Profile on “cellular automata”?
Rod Humble is the recently hired CEO of Linden Lab, the makers of the virtual world Second Life. Rod is most well known for his gaming background at EA and Sony Online, working on the wildly popular "Sims" lie and Everquest respectively. So expectations are high for what he might do for Second Life as…