Tags: America's Best Dance Crew (Season 6), MTV Shows Last night was the season finale of season six of America's Best Dance Crew, with only two crews left after nine weeks of competitions, pitting some of the best dancers in the US (and the world) against each other. As I expected, the ratio of hype…
Yehoodi Talk Show #131: Camp Jitterbug, Swingapore, Swing Comp Talk
The gang is back for another episode of the Yehoodi Talk Show, your bimonthly gab-fest on all the issues and topics relevant to the lindy hop scene, or at least the three hosts of the show. Join Spuds, Letta Mercurial and Rikomatic as we wax poetic about: Camp Jitterbug The Singapore swing scene Frankie Manning's…
Still Missing Bettina
In a few days it will be the birthday of Bettina Pruckmayr, an old girlfriend of mine who died a long time ago. I can hardly believe that it was 16 years ago that she was taken from us by an act of evil on December 16, 1995. Bettina was a young human rights lawyer…
Last Days in Singapore: Yummy Intestines, Surreal Cityscapes, Bargain Sailor Duds
I’m on a plane now, headed back to the States, surprisingly sad to be leaving the small city-state of Singapore. My last couple of days in Singapore were some of the most fun and interesting. Some of the highlights: Pig’s Intestine Soup: My local food expert and guide Janice was insistent that I try one…
Singapore Day Six: Chili Crab, Nocturnal Animals, and Consumerism
I’m winding down my Singapore adventures today and tomorrow, and, man, it’s been an incredible trip. Summarizing just the highlights is kind of tough, but here we go: The Night Safari. O.M.G. So amazingly awesome. Getting to walk through a tropical forest in the dark and encountering all sorts of animals is so much better…
Shim Shamming for Frankie Manning’s Birthday in a Singapore Mall! (video)
Here's a cute video of about 40 lindy hoppers doing the shim sham in (of course) a shopping mall in Singapore. The occasion was the 97th birthday of legendary lindy hopper Frankie Manning, who unfortunately passed away a couple of years ago. I was lucky enough to be there to participate along with visitors…
Singapore Day 3: Work, Eat, Dance, Work, Eat….
Coming into day four of my Singapore adventure. Definitely getting a feel for the place: and I have to say, it’s a really good feeling. Work has started in earnest on the project I am here to lead, a couple of virtual world education workshops for an international client. Singapore is kind of an ideal…
Singapore Day 1: Disreputable Thai food, Lindy Hop, Tap, and Second Life
Too many awesome things about Singapore to write about. And too jet-lagged to think straight anyway. But some of the best stuff: Kept doing double-takes at the astounding architecture everywhere, from ancient Buddhist temples to ultra-futuristic complexes that looked straight out of Second Life. Wandered through floors and floors of bargain computer gear at the…
Home Worship with the Oakland Quakers
Rounding out my tour of local Quaker meetings and churches, on Sunday afternoon I found myself at the simple home of Pam Calvert and Helen Haug in Oakland. Pam and Helen have been holding a Quaker worship group in their home on Sunday afternoons for several years now. I have been wanting to attend this…
Yosemite Upside-down (pic)
Just for fun, while on a photo trip with my dad in Yosemite, I had him take a bunch of pics of me doing handstands all over the place. Silly, I know. BTW, I love this pic of me with my dad.