My colleague Amira and I created this quick video to welcome a special group of young adults to "uCreate," a digital storytelling project working with two groups of teens in two different youth jails. Amira gave a bit of background about Global Kids, I talk about uCreate, and then we do a quick walk-through of…
Seven reasons why my hackintoshed Dell Mini kicks the iPad’s butt
Like other Mac fanboys, I am pretty impressed by what Apple has come out with: the iPad. It's got all the sleekness and interface-y goodness that Apple is so bloody amazing at. That said, under the shiny hood, the iPad can't hold a candle to my hackintoshed Dell Mini 10v. Here's why: An integrated camera:…
Colin Huggins’ guerilla music video “Until It’s You” (video)
I love this new guerrilla-style, one take music video by Colin Huggins for his new single "Until It's You." Colin is not only a gifted independent musician, he also demonstrates his considerable popping, lindy hop, and moving sidewalk dancing abilities! I love how the dancing just gets wackier and more elaborate as the video goes…
Using Facebook and Twitter to Support Swing Flashmobs
Back before the meme of “flashmobs” starting sweeping the US, swing dancers had a practice we called “lindy bombing.” Which was to show up at a place that wasn’t a regular swing dance venue and start dancing. It might be swinging to muzak playing in a shopping mall, or to hip-hop music in a nightclub,…
Become a “1stFan” of Brooklyn Museum for $20: Get a Free Print!
I'm a big fan of the Brooklyn Museum, and I've been really impressed with how they have been using social media to create a richer experience for museum attendees. Will Cary and Shelley Bernstein of the Brooklyn Museum around this time last year launched the "1stFans" group, a way for people to be a part…
Swing is Everywhere in New York City: from subway, to concert hall, to hidden dance club
Thursday was one of those days that make me so happy to live in Gotham. It sometimes seems like everywhere you go, there is great music, and people grooving to it. I started the evening of all places in the Union Square subway station, where the Tin Pan Blues band was playing their unique mix…
Youth-led Prospect Heights Fundraiser nets $6,000 for Haiti! (update)
We at Global Kids could not be more proud of the teens at the High School for Global Citizenship (which we are a partner with) for organizing and performing in the Haiti Solidarity Benefit last night at the Prospect Heights campus amphitheater. Many of the students at HSGC are of Haitian descent, so being able…
Hip-hop Class for Haiti Relief on Saturday January 30
Just got this from my friend Pavan of PMT Dance Studios on how you can learn how to dance and help Haiti on Saturday January 30: With the current disaster in Haiti, we are holding a special class to help raise money to help the disaster victims. 100% of the proceeds will go towards the…
Two animated dogs explain the Global Kids three guidelines
My organization Global Kids has three fundamental guidelines that are the bedrock of all of the youth programs that we run: One Mic Safe Space and Participate I created this short animated video of two dogs talking about the guidelines. Just because. Made using the awesome Xtranormal animation program.
Plateauing as a b-boy
I am trying to face up to the fact that my b-boying is starting to plateau. That is, I'm not feeling like I'm learning that much that is new anymore, and I don't see any goals that I am working toward to keep me inspired. Plus I don't think my body can take much more…