Barry Joseph, director of the Online Leadership Project at Global Kids, has been really insistent that we take videos of presentations that we give at conferences and workshops, as a way of improving the way we talk about our work and the organization. This is often met with groans by staff (okay, me) because it…
America’s Best Dance Crew Episode 505: An Easy Challenge Let’s the Dancers Shine More
America's Best Dance Crew (Season 5) – MTV Shows I liked "America's Best Dance Crew: Episode 5", which focused on giving each crew different music videos to emulate. The challenge was pretty much a softball that seemed designed to let each team stretch out and show their strengths to the judges and the audience. Here's…
(Ninja) Turtles All the Way Down: A Second Life Simulcast of Second Life
Those of us in the virtual world field have been all abuzz in the past week over the release of the new 2.0 version of the Second Life viewer. There are lots of new features that probably have no interest to the outside world. But one major change is that now you can easily bring…
Cangelosi Cards perform “I Got Rhythm” (video)
Here's a sweet rendition of "I Got Rhythm" by the awesome NYC swing band the Cangelosi Cards. I caught them last night, of all places, at the Shambhala Meditation Center on West 22nd Street. Gotta love Andrew's awesome tapping, Tamar's crazy singing, Gordon Au on trumpet and the rest of the band just killing it. …
A Year of Traveling: Where to go and why
My friends Dave and Kim, after a couple of years of planning and saving, are doing what I'm sure you have fantasized about from your cubicle: a year of traveling around the world. Their itinerary is taking them to a ridiculous amount of cool places, from Macchu Picchu to Bali to Sweden to Uganda. For…
Off to Denver for Webwise Conference March 3-5
I got a last minute invitation to speak at the WebWise Conference from March 3-5 in Denver Colorado next week, which should be really interesting. WebWise brings together library and museum professionals to talk about how the digital world is effecting their field. I was at the 2009 Webwise event, which was one of the…
A Quiet Trip to the San Diego Zoo (video)
As a longtime zoo afficionado, I was very excited to get to visit the San Diego Zoo last Sunday, reported by many to be one of the finest zoos in the country, if not the world. However I was a bit concerned about the crowds, since this is a primary destination for tourists visiting San…
America’s Best Dance Crew Season 5: Jumprope, African, Plus-size dancers and more!
America's Best Dance Crew (Season 5) – MTV Shows My friend Dana told me that this season's America's Best Dance Crew was worth checking out, so I got caught up last night on Episode Four. ABDC's producers seem committed to bringing a diverse assortment of street dance to television, which I think is admirable and…
Me and My Second Life Avatar 2010
Here's a new composite pic of myself with my avatar in Second Life that I created when I was feeling bored. Next I need to get around to doing a composite pic of my crowd of avatars in the Teen Grid of SL, the Reaction Grid, Heritage Key, SmallWorlds, Metaplace (RIP), and others. See more…
Heather Flock & Laura Jeffers’ new lindy hop program starting in March!
I'm excited to announce that my friends and fellow dancers Heather Flock and Laura Jeffers (along with Felix Pitre and Jessie Patz), are starting up a new lindy hop program at You Should Be Dancing Studios in Manhattan. Heather has been running our dance lessons at Yehoodi's weekly dance for the past couple of years…