The MTV television show "America's Best Dance Crew" took a bold step in showcasing the flamboyantly gay dance crew Vogue Evolution. Not only are Vogue Evolution representing a dance form — Vogueing — that isn't any easy fit with the street dance-oriented competition. Not only is one of their members on the bigger side. But…
Daffy’s strange but irresistable Apartment contest
Discount clothing retailer Daffy's has launched a very odd but compelling contest that probably only makes sense if you live in New York. Called simply "The Apartment," it's a video contest where contestants have to show up at selected Daffy's stores and explain into a webcam why they deserve to "win" a tricked out West…
Meta-gaming: My Second Life avatar playing video games
Just when I thought I had seen everything in Second Life, I stumbled upon a Second Life Wii-style game system called "Pineplay." It's the first time I've encountered a game where I have to control my avatar who is himself controlling the game character in a simulated console game. It reminded me of that infamous…
Need career guidance and support? A life coach can help.
Jennifer Palgon was until recently my life coach during a pivotal period of my transition from program associate to an assistant director position at Global Kids. Life coaching has many varieties, but generally is a personal, directed kind of professional support that rides the line between career guidance and therapy. If you are looking for…
The Louis Armstrong Museum: a jazz treasure in Queens
Yesterday, I trekked out to Corona, Queens to join 50 or so folks for a garden jazz party at the Louis Armstrong House Museum. I've known about the Armstrong House for years but never got around to visiting for some dumb reason or another. Tin Pan Blues Band were the featured performers at the party,…
MacArthur, Digital Youth Network & Chicago Public Library launch “YouMedia” digital youth center
Check out this cool video about the launch of the "YouMedia" youth media center in downtown Chicago. A partnership of the MacArthur Foundation, the Digital Youth Network and the Chicago Public Library, YouMedia is a digital learning space where young people from all over Chicago can come together to create and collaborate across a range…
Reuters on Swing dancing in Russia
Here's a Reuter's story on swing dancing in Russia. There are some great lindy hop dancers that have come out of Russia that I've met at the Herrang Swing Dance Camp a couple of years ago. So I don't think it's such a new phenomenon. Still, a cute story.
“Burn the Floor” review: cheesy latin dancing goodness
Apparently I was destined to see the Broadway show "Burn the Floor" because I've had two people offer me free tickets to see it. Tonight, I finally caught the dance-oriented show, due to fortuitous circumstances, and I'm glad I did. (Thanks, Carla!) "Burn the Floor" has gotten some scorching reviews from the NY Times and…
Why America’s youth need affordable broadband internet access
The FCC has created a website using IdeaScale to solicit ideas and opinions on the importance of broadband internet on education in America. I just posted my own views entitled "All of America's Youth Deserve to Play a Part in the Digital Society." Here's a bit of what I wrote: I work at Global Kids,…
How to transform our Global Kids teens into Outliers
I recently read Malcolm Gladwell’s new book Outliers , a fresh perspective on genius and success. Gladwell's central aim is to challenge the notion that individuals who are at the top of their field got there by sheer talent and hard work. He argues convincingly that there are number of external factors outside of the…