Tonight Christina and I went to see a live simulcast of the public radio show "This American Life" being shown at the Union Square Regal theater, along with 143 other movie theaters around the country. It was rather strange knowing that the show was being taped live just a few blocks south at the NYU…
Mac n’ cheese pancakes at Shopsin’s
I got up early this morning and headed to Shopsin's tiny restaurant in the Essex Street Market to try their mac n' cheese pancakes. I was there at the stroke of nine and got one of the two seats at the counter, which was nice (as opposed to the 45-minute wait that others have reported). …
Launch of EcoCommons in Second Life Today (Earth Day)!
All avatars are kindly invited to the launch of the EcoCommons in Second Life today, April 22 — Earth Day! This lush, tree-filled virtual island hosts a number of environmental organizations, including the Sierra Club, and TechSoup's GreenTech Initiative. The EcoCommons launch event will feature a keynote speech at 11AM PST by Jacqueline Chenault,…
Defonte’s Sandwich Shop: stepping up the sandwich wars in Gramercy
My foodie colleagues Barry, Rafi, Amira and I just had some tasty sandwiches from the new Defonte's of Brooklyn Italian sandwich shop on Third Avenue and 21st Street. Overally we were quite impressed with the offerings and the setup. The classic sandwiches like the Nicky and the Valentino seem more packed with extras like lettuce…
NYC Biking Tip #14: Don’t bike over the Brooklyn Bridge on the weekend
Today on the way to a dance performance, I decided to take the Brooklyn Bridge from Quaker Meeting, instead of my usual route over the Manhattan Bridge. VERY BAD IDEA. In theory, biking over the Brooklyn Bridge should be a breeze. There's a clearly demarcated bike path and pedestrian path, as you can see in…
“In a Cypher Far, Far, Away”: PMT Breakers at the Spring Showcase
Yesterday and today I performed with the PMT breakers at the PMT Dance Showcase, which is always a blast. This season's show was particularly appealing to me because we had a "Star Wars" theme going on with our routine. I got to be the main evil jedi, leading my troop of Dark Side b-boys against…
Picture of me twittering in the NY Times Sunday Styles Section today!
Check out Bill Cunningham’s lovely photo essay about the Easter Parade on the NY Times website. I come into view at about the 0.44 second mark! I like how Bill captured Boosh and I checking our phones. I’m actually twittering at that exact moment something along the lines of “Looking pimp in the Easter Parade!…
Stacked Blog’s 24-hour read-a-thon for the Brooklyn Library: donate today!
My friend Christina over at the Stacked bibliophile blog is doing a 24-hour read-a-thon all day today starting at 8am and going to 8am tomorrow, Sunday April 19. That's plenty cool in itself. But Christina has also added a fundraising component, challenging folks today and tomorrow to donate to the Brooklyn Public Library, which apparently…
HASTAC Digital Media & Learning Showcase: a laptop orchestra, OLPCs in Chiapas, vloggers in Mumbai, and more…
Here's a neat little clip of Connie Yowell of the MacArthur Foundation welcoming the 2008 and 2009 winners of the HASTAC Digital Media and Learning competition, including myself and Amira from Global Kids. Connie always does such a great job synthesizing the broader historic trends, the cumulative impact of the various digital learning projects supported…
Small Worlds seeks to integrate social networks and virtual worlds
I've been checking out the new virtual world Small Worlds over the past few weeks, and so far have been pretty impressed. Here's some of the things I like about it: Accessibility: It's a web-based 2.5D environment that runs on Flash, so its much more accessible than other VWs that rely on a client download….