I don't know why I never visited here, but a colleague alerted me to the Estonian government's Second Life island (click here to teleport.) Given the level of e-government innovation that happens in Estonia, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they have been in the virtual world since December 2007. I've heard that Estonia…
Apps for $10K “Linden Prize” for innovative Second Life projects due January 15
Just a reminder that next Thursday, January 15, applications are due for the US$ 10,000 "Linden Prize" being offered by Linden Lab. If you will recall, in November, Linden Lab, the company that runs Second Life, announced that they are launching the $10,000 "Linden Prize" for "an innovative inworld project that improves the way people…
Learning the foundations of b-boying from Ken Swift
Tonight I took my first class with legendary b-boy from back-in-the-day Ken Swift, who has started teaching a fundamentals class at PMT Studios on Tuesday nights. In his early 40s now, Ken is still a phenomenal dancer and ambassador of the art of b-boying. Check out Ken Swift dancing as a teenager in the 80s…
Second Life inaugural ball at virtual Capitol Hill January 20
Kei Moana told me about a fun inaugural ball that his folks at the Second Life Capitol Hill are organizing on January 20. So if you were not able to score a ticket to the real life presidential inauguration in DC, you can still celebrate with other blinged-out avatars in a virtual Capitol building. It…
“Raid Gaza!” game: social issue game with unintentionally appropriate banner ad?
On the website "New Grounds" there's a new Flash game about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict called "Raid Gaza!" Some might question the value of this kind of serious issue game, particularly now when the hospitals and morgues are filling with civilians and combatants from the latest flareup. I think "Raid Gaza!!" does succeed in presenting in…
New study on Islam and virtual worlds releasing findings on January 29 in NYC
Speaking of Islam and virtual worlds, it looks like Joshua Fouts and Rita King of Dancing Ink Productions will be unveiling the findings of their study on "Understanding Islam through Virtual Worlds" on January 29 in New York City, and then again in Second Life on January 30. Here's the info on the NYC event:…
“Lesson 10: How to Breakdance” tee-shirt from Threadless
My awesome roommate Swifty got me a couple of sweet tee-shirts from Threadless for Christmas: the "Easy Steps(Lesson 10: How to Breakdance)" tee-shirt pictured here, and "We Are Just Pixels After All" tee below. So rad.
First look at Muxlim Pal virtual world: shop, chat and pray
After registering almost a month ago, I finally was able to log into the new "Muxlim Pal" virtual world. As you will recall, the owners of Muxlim had restricted access to the new virtual world due to griefer attacks that started after the BBC published a story about Muxlim Pal. Now apparently they have dealt…
Menorah at Hudson NY Amtrak Station?
I saw this tiny menorah today in front of one of the ticket booths at the Hudson, NY Amtrak Station. Strange for many reasons. First off, Hannukah has been long over. Second, all the candles are still unlit. I don't get it. At least give out some chocolate gelt if you are going to display…
Rafi on differing social media strategies of the Israeli Government
My buddy Rafi posts on his new blog Empathetics a very insightful commentary on how different branches of the Israeli government are using social media during this latest Gaza conflagration. In short, the Israeli military is employing the old "throw it against the wall and see what sticks" approach versus the Israeli diplomatic corps more…