Alain Wong posts to his blog that he and his fellow hardy bike riders just completed their epic bike ride from Toronto, Canada to Tijuana, Mexico. They were riding to promote the cause of microcredit as a way of fighting global poverty. I’ve been following their trip via Alain’s blog with a mixture of admiration…
New Typepad App for iPhone is teh Roxxor
I just installed the new, free Typepad app for my first gen iPhone. I’m posting this from my phone now and it seems to work seamlessly. You can add pics stored on your phone or take one on the fly like this lovely self-portrait I just took. Sweet!
It’s my sister’s birthday — buy one of her bags!
Happy birthday, to my lovely, crazy dope sister Cori. You’re not just my favorite sister, you are my ONLY sister. Love you! (And if anyone wants to get a really hip, handmade handbag or clutch for yourself or a loved one, Cori designs these lovely Mean Bags. Tell her that her big brother sent you.)
Dammit, someone stole my Brompton bike!
Me on my Brompton folding bike in February 2003, right after purchasing in London, UK. Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. My Brompton folding bike got stolen tonight. It was locked to a "No Parking" sign on Broadway and 13th Street. Sometime between 7:30 and 9:30pm, someone took it from in front…
I Dig Tanzania tee-shirts!
We just got the "I Dig Tanzania" tee-shirts from the printers today! We had them created for our kids to wear for their real life trip to Chicago to meet their peers at the Field Museum, as well the paleontologists who were in Tanzania. Shawna’s dad designed the awesome logo. For some reason, we decided…
Mole on Office Chair
Recently my cat Mole has started using my office chair in my bedroom as his catbed. I think because he can still sleep close to me, but doesn’t have to worry about me rolling onto him in my sleep. And from the chair, he is slightly higher than me when I’m asleep.
A Lackluster Midsummer Nights Swing Season?
Me with my friend Celia at Chuck Brown concert last night at Midsummer Nights Swing. Taken by Jerry. I’m a big fan of swing dancing in New York during the summer. There’s usually so much great, free, outdoor dance opportunities, from free concerts by the water, DJed music in Central Park, and jazz groups playing…
“I Feel Like Bustin Loose”: Chuck Brown at Midsummer Nights Swing
The "godfather of go-go swing" Mr. Chuck Brown performed a funky couple of sets tonight at Midsummer Nights Swing at Lincoln Center. Mr. Brown is best known for his 60s classic funk song "I Feel Like Bustin Loose." But he just released an album last year that shows the man still has it. In this…
Congrats to Native Lands, Ability Commons and Texas Obesity Center for Winning USC Public Good Awards!
Congratulations to Native Lands, the Ability Commons and the Texas Obesity Research Center for winning the USC Public Good Community Challenge! Eech group is being awarded L$300,000 and a plot of land each to develop their projects in Second Life. These three projects bring such important concerns to the table — Native American heritage preservation,…
Hanging with the familia in Cali for July 4th weekend
This is me in my barong tagalog Filipino dress shirt with my Uncle Oscar in Cali this weekend. I had a lovely time with the family over July 4th weekend, starting with a relaxing barbecue at my Mom’s house and ending with a blowout wedding for my Uncle Nesting and Auntie Angie. I am the…