Today at 12PM PST, the International Justice Center will be streaming into Second Life a conversation on the situation in Darfur with Dr. Francis Deng, the UN Secretary Generals’ Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide. Dr. Deng is a remarkable individual: a Sudanese national who has served as a human rights officer at the…
Why I love “So You Think You Can Dance” & “America’s Best Dance Crew”
I’ve been catching up on episodes of Fox’s "So You Think You Can Dance" and MTV’s "America’s Best Dance Crew" on this super-hot weekend. I love that there are all these popular dance-oriented shows on TV right now. (Heck, I’ll even give props to "Dancing with the Stars" even if I can’t stand actually watching…
Relay for Life in Second Life raises US$200K in 24 hour event
Some of the organizers of SL Relay for Life at the closing ceremonies. From L-to-R: Pituca Fairchang, Garth Fairchang, Stingray9798 Raymaker, and Fayandria Foley. I just teleported into the closing ceremony of the 2008 Second Life Relay for Life, a yearly fundraiser for the American Cancer Society that keeps getting better and better. The organizers…
Working on my soul basic at the NYC Subway Soul party
Westiegirl, Westie’s friend Noelle, the lovely Miss V, and I checked out the monthly Subway Soul dance last night at Fontana on Eldridge Street in the LES. The evening did not start out promising as the Shalitas took the stage in the basement bar. No disrespect to the band, but the music could hardly be…
Brompton II: Electric Boogaloo
A week ago I was feeling pretty teed off about my stolen Brompton bicycle from Union Square. Thanks, everyone, for your good wishes and condolences. Since then I have made a conscious effort to let go of the anger and accept that my beloved bike is in the end just an object. It actually took…
“Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog”: Whedon + Fillion + Neil Patrick Harris = Geek Gold!
Yes, this needs no help from me, but I gotta give a shout-out to the latest brilliant and weird creation from the mind of Joss Whedon: "Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog." Who else but Whedon would write and direct a "super-villain musical" and then release it direct-to-internet as a 3-part video short? You can watch it…
Fundraiser for SL Shakespeare Company tomorrow
The SL Shakespeare Company has begun an ambitious fundraising campaign to raise 14 million linden dollars (~US $56,000) to support their performances of the Bard in the virtual Globe Theater in Second Life. This Friday, July 18, they kick off their campaign with a “Twelfth Night MegaFundundraiser” hoping to raise the first L$1 million: At…
Happy International Justice Day!
Press conference in Rome held by the Coalition for an ICC, July 1998. Credit: CICC. Ten years ago today, the world took a historic step from impunity toward accountability by creating the International Criminal Court. On July 17, 1998 in Rome Italy, 120 governments of the world signed into being the Rome Treaty on the…
Me dancing with Voon at Midsummer Nights Swing
Here’s a quick clip of me dancing with one of my favorite new lindy hoppers Voon at Midsummer Nights Swing last night. Taken by my friend Will.
Why it’s a good thing to dance with strangers
Midsummer Nights Swing photo by my friend Jerry Swing dancing at outdoor venues like Midsummer Nights Swing often presents many opportunities to dance with random strangers who are hanging around the sidelines of the dancefloor. As a leader in particular, you often have your pick of ladies clearly itching to dance. I’m not particularly good…