Shawna at the USC Network Culture Project sent around a call for interested students to participate in a paid summer internship in Second Life. Sounds like a great opportunity for an undergrad or graduate student interested in virtual worlds: The USC Network Culture Project at the Annenberg School for Communication is accepting applications for undergraduate…
Non-profits in SL: Glitteractica & Randall Moss speaking at Metanomics today
My friend Glitteractica Cookie of (pictured above) and Randall Moss of the American Cancer Society will be speaking today at the popular "Metanomics" talk show in Second Life from 11-12PM PST. The event will take place on Muse Arena on Muse Isle, and filmed and streamed live on Check the full event entry…
Dino5: Hip-hop for babies
Check out this ill video for the kid’s hip-hop group the Dino5. This is some serious mad cuteness. Almost makes me wish I had a kid to play this for him / her. Ah hell, I’ll just get it for myself. Dino5 features : MC T-Rex : aka the incomparable Chali 2na of Jurassic 5!…
Atalanta hip-hop band AFAR performing free concert at Lincoln Center this Saturday!
For the past few months I’ve had in frequent rotation on my iTunes the album by Atlanta-based hip-hop band AFAR. As far as I’m concerned, AFAR has got the complete package with tight melodies, clever MCing, driving beats, and live instrumentation. They even have a political conscience — check this song they did on the…
Second Life Real Estate people wanted
I have a friend who writes for a New York newspaper looking for people who work in Second Life real estate (ideally in the New York-area) to interview this week for an article. If you are interested and available, contact me at rik Thanks, kids!
Brooklyn Museum’s Japan obsession?
So I just found out that the May 3rd "First Saturday" program at the Brooklyn Museum will again focus on the arts and culture of Japan. This immediately follows their April "First Saturday" program, which also focused on Japan, particularly anime art. So Brooklyn Museum has chosen to focus on Japan for two months in…
“The Trade Show”: international justice and art as political expression
Last night I serendipitously encountered this performance art piece in the Arts District of Chicago called “The Tradeshow.” A moving and critical artistic commentary on the garment industry, it provided unexpected closure to the international justice conference I had been at for the past two days at DePaul University.
“Justice for Darfur” campaign focuses on arresting 2 Sudanese indicted by ICC
Today the "Justice for Darfur" campaign launched with a bold call for the international community to arrest two Sudanese leaders accused of masterminding the devastation of Darfur. The coalition is composed of 29 human rights groups from around the world, including some of the most prominent international organizations such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International…
VIDEO: Draxtor Dupres’ on the growing non-profit presence in Second Life
Cyber-journalist Draxtor Dupres has a tremendous series of machinima news stories that he files regularly about the comings and goings in Second Life. His latest story is about the growing non-profit community in SL, which features my friends at the Non-profit Commons.
Intro to ICC Event at DePaul & the International Justice Center a Success!
Yesterday, I was at DePaul University streaming a live video feed from a student-oriented event on the International Criminal Court to the web at and Second Life to the International Justice Center. This was the first time I had organized this largely on my own, which was somewhat stressful. Luckily, event organizer Liz Drew,…