Just got a link to a news story in The Guardian on a Spanish medical group that has set up a virtual health center in Second Life, with the intention of counseling teens on confidential and sensitive health issues. As the article states: Spanish health authorities launched a virtual portal through the Second Life website…
Breakdance/b-boying as a vernacular street dance
Just had a fun practice session with some of my fellow breaking students at PMT Studios. We are getting to the point where we have enough of an initial vocabulary and confidence that we can try out new moves on our own and have our own unique styles and strengths. It’s a great feeling making…
Help send GK youth leaders to Mexico this May 28
I wanted to spread the word about a happy hour fun-draiser that Global Kids is throwing in NYC on May 28. We’re organizing a cocktail party at the White Rabbit bar in Manhattan on May 28 to help some of our youth leaders go to Mexico this summer to work on human rights issues. Enjoy…
Virtual Cuba versus Real World Cuba
Earlier this month, the metaverse development company Metaversatility launched a new showcase sim "EmVee Cuba" in Second Life (click here to teleport.) It’s a lovely, picturesque island, pushing the envelope on what is possible in SL, with each prim, texture and light placement designed to create an immersive sense of walking through a historic Cuba…
Global Kids: why our blood is unacceptable
I have been a blood donor for most of my life, having been blessed with large veins and no squeamishness around needles. It’s one of the easiest ways to give that might literally save another person’s life. Plus I love the free cookies and juice at the end. Recently I got contacted by one of…
Fellowship Available for Global Kids International Justice Center
Global Kids is offering a fellowship to focus on event management for the International Justice Center (click here to teleport). The fellow will be expected to work with Global Kids staff to organize regular in-world events in that sim for SL residents, human rights groups, and the general public. Since 2005, Global Kids has leveraged…
L$ 300K for the best “Public Good” project in SL! Info session on SL Community Challenge tonight at 9pm SLT
Tonight at 9PM PST will be first information session the "Second Life and Public Good" Community Challenge sponsored by my friends at the USC Network Culture Project. The Challenge offers L$100,000 a month for three months for the best projects that address some social need via SL. For some reason I was chosen to be…
David and Kim’s awesome wedding dance!
Here’s some not-very-clear video of my friends David "ShortyDave" Jacoby and Kim Frey during their beautiful wedding dance. They were wedded in a lovely multi-cultural ceremony this past Friday in Manhattan. I’m so honored I got to share this special moment with them. I love all the little moments in their dancing when their individual…
Birthday b-boy Akiva loves “Dino5”!
My colleague Barry tells me that his kid Akiva loves the Dino5: Hiphop for Babies CD that I got him for his second birthday. Here’s Akiva throwing his hand in the air, like he just don’t care. Such a dope CD. Get it for the freshest b-boy / b-girl in your life.
Folding bike tour of Manhattan & Brooklyn today (pics and video)!
Today 50ish folding bike riders (and friends) went on a leisurely bike tour through Manhattan over to Brooklyn and back. It was a perfect day for riding, cool and clear. We meandered from Chelsea Piers, down the Westside bikepath to Downtown Manhattan, over the Brooklyn Bridge, then back on the Manhattan Bridge, finishing at East…