I decided this morning that I’m leveling up at Herrang Dance Camp. Normally I see myself as a solid intermediate-advanced dancer. Better than most, but far from what I consider the advanced dancers in the New York scene. But here I think I’m dancing at more of an advanced level compared to the general population…
Herrang Day 3: the DJ Showcase
Last night there was a “DJ Showcase” at Herrang Dance Camp, with a series of DJ’s playing six-song sets and a panel of dancer judges on the stage judging their picks. I was curious how this was going to go, since nothing is more subjective than the kind of music people like.
About the Herrang Dance Camp
I feel like I should be writing "Hi mom and dad, having a great time at dance camp! Today I got a blue star in intermediate ribbon dancing." Seriously, it’s been an amazing time so far at the Herrang International Dance Camp in Sweden. Herrang is quite a special place with a strong sense of…
Hey-ho, from Herrang
Just quick to post to say hi from Herrang Dance Camp in lovely Sweden. I’m here for the week of intensive dance classes, social dancing until the wee hours, and hanging out with an international community of lindy hoppers who converge here every year. So many amazing dancers in one camp-y space for a week!…
Off to Herrang, the Mecca of Lindy Hop
Above is a video of a dance jam at the Herrang Dance Camp from 2005. That’s where I’m headed tonight! My buddy Tomo and I are flying off to the Herrang International Dance Camp, a yearly gathering that brings together a 1,000 of the most die-hard lindy hop swing dancers from around the world to…
The virtual Sistine Chapel revisited: Codes of Conduct in Second Life
Click To Play I have been meaning to talk about this interesting security system built into the Sistine Chapel build at the Vassar College sim (teleport SLURL). Vassar has instituted a mandatory "Code of Conduct" that they require all virtual visitors to agree to before you can enter the build. This was the first time…
Submit a question to the Dem Presidential debate via YouTube
YouTube and CNN are inviting citizens to submit questions to presidential candidates via YouTube video this summer. Get your video in by July 22 so it can be considered for the July 23 Democratic candidate debate on July 23 in Charleston, South Carolina. If your question is selected, you may be flown to Charleston to…
Japan rejects e-democracy in campaign time
Kan Suzuki’s boarded up SL headquarters Interesting article in the BBC about how Japan has instituted a freeze on all web-campaigning before their July 29 national elections. Reportedly, Japanese politicians are not allowed to create new websites or update their existing ones prior to the election. Diet member Kan Suzuki has even had to close…
Touching the hand of God at the virtual Sistine Chapel
There’s a tiny scene in the movie "Six Degrees of Separation" when one of the characters is getting a guided tour of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. Her guide takes her up to the ceiling where the staff are doing some renovation work on the famous fresco by Michaelangelo. "Hit it, it’s only a…
“Faces of Faith” bringing religious leaders into Second Life July 29
On July 29 the UC Berkeley School of Journalism presents a program on "Faces of Faith in Second Life" from 1-2pm PST. Taking place on Nowhereville Island (teleport SLURL), the event will feature Don Lattin and a panel of religious/spiritual leaders for a conversation about faith and spirituality in virtual worlds. Questions will be taken…