If there are any budding machinimators or photographers out there who would like to help record the public launch of the Non-profit Commons sim this Tuesday, please be in touch with the lovely In Kenzo via IM or at inkenzo-at-gmail.com. It’s a mixed reality event, beaming in audio and video from the offices of Tech…
“Mini-conference” in SL on social networking, gaming and virtual worlds this Sunday
I just got word that there will be an interesting "mini-conference" sponsored by the Communication and Information Technology Section of the American Sociological Association (CITASA) on social networking, computer games and virtual worlds this Sunday from 2-5:30PM PST in Second Life: For the third year in a row the Communication and Information Technology Section (CITASA)…
Is the iPhone honeymoon over?
So about six weeks ago, I plopped down $500 for the "Jesus Phone." Now that the new phone smell has faded, has it lived up to the hype? In short: absolutely. I am a bit overwhelmed simply because I haven’t had a smartphone since my ancient VisorPhone back in 2001. So lots of the bells-and-whistles…
Blades of Glory: Coming to a virtual ice rink near you
"Blades of Glory" (2007) had a lot going for it as a comedy, drawing from a deep well of funny material in sending up the world of professional ice skating. The movie is worth seeing for the incredible costumes alone, particularly the scifi-inspired outfits. And the choreography of the ice skating routines was some fine…
Travelling the world responsibly
I stumbled upon the Friends of World Heritage website recently, and I liked their tips for responsible travel. They are focused on travel to visit the World Heritage Sites, but their recommendations are applicable to any kind of tourism or business travel. Much of the tips are fairly basic like "learn a few words of…
Warren Ellis virtually signs his new novel Crooked Little Vein
Today I dropped in briefly on the virtual book signing of Warren Ellis’s first novel Crooked Little Vein. It was an pretty crowded sim (25+ avatars) and laggy as all get out. I got there just as Warren was finishing his remarks and the queue for the "book signing" was starting. (Basically Warren’s avatar swaps…
Yes, I think I can dance: The convergence of art, old media and new media
As this season’s "So You Think You Can Dance" winds down to its conclusion, I’ve been thinking about how cool it is that I have a cohort of dancer friends from around the country who are watching it with me and commenting along on the discussion boards of Yehoodi, the swing dance website I help…
August 14 Non-profit Commons Launch Event to feature Anshe Chung and Jeska Linden
In just under a week, the Second Life Non-Profit Commons — which houses the virtual world HQ of Yehoodi among many other non-profits — will be throwing a fabulous launch party on August 14 from 5:30-7PM (teleport SLURL). The NPC sim was made possible by a generous donation by Anshe Chung, so she will be…
Happy anniversary, Cindy
This is the first picture of Cindy and me together. We weren’t even dating at this point, just hanging out during the Maine Lindy Exchange. Five years later, and she never ceases to amaze me. I love you, Cindy.
Creepy but cool Motion Portrait technology animates photos and pets
Pink Tentacle blogs about a cool and somewhat creepy new technology created by Japanese company Motion Portrait that takes any photo and converts it into an animated image that blinks, makes facial expressions, and even speaks. Supposedly lightweight enough for portable devices like phones and PDAs, the technology is apparently already being used for animating…