The official launch of the Non-profit Commons Sim was a great success this evening, I’m proud to report. With 100-ish avatars and another 80-some people at the real world event in San Francisco, we exceeded our goals for the party. Kudos to our intrepid leader Glitteractica Cookie of Techsoup, In Kenzo of Amoration, Anshe Chung…
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic “first professional orchestra” to perform in Second Life September 14
The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic claims that they will be "the first professional orchestra" to perform in Second Life on September 14. Conductor Vasily Petrenko conducts Ravel’s Sheherazade and Rachmaninov’s Symphonic Dances, as well as world premieres by Merseyside-born composers Kenneth Hesketh and John McCabe. Petrenko, Ken Hesketh and soloist Kate Royal will appear in-world to…
MacArthur Foundation supporting non-profit track at Second Life Convention
MacArthur President Jonathan Fanton’s avatar in Second Life The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation just issued a press release on their support of the Second Life Community Convention coming up from August 24-26 in Chicago. Although the press release states that MacArthur is supporting the "non-profit track" in truth they are responsible for…
Keep ICANN out of the morality business
ICANN is the global regulatory body charged with coordinating the Domain Name System, the global address book of the internet that ensures that you can surf to the site you plugged into your browser and send email to any address. There are some good people at ICANN doing a very difficult job — what with…
Reminder: Non-profit Commons Launch Party is Tomorrow!
Just a quick reminder that the fabulous Non-profit Commons sim launch party is tomorrow, starting at 5:30PM PST (teleport SLURL). The event will feature presentations by Anshe Chung (donor of the NPC), Jeska Linden of Linden Labs, Gliteractica Cookie of Techsoup, In Kenzo of Amoration, and a host of others. Then from around 7PM, its…
Ideas for selling real homes in virtual spaces
I took a quick gander at the $3.1 million house being sold by Coldwell Banker, currently on display in the Second Life (teleport SLURL.) It seems like pretty nice build that accurately represents the scale and proportions of the real house in Washington state. I’m sure that the media buzz (ABC, CNN) created by build…
UN website pwned by hacktivists over weekend
CNET, Wired and the hackademix blog are reporting that the United Nations website was briefly hacked over the weekend by an international team of hackers exploiting a well known SQL weakness. Apparently, these hackers weren’t out to do damage or extort the UN, but simply to spread a pretty nice, if mis-spelled, peace message. They…
Why I love New York: Borsch & Congee on the same menu
Here’s the menu from Cindy’s favorite Chinese bakery, Fay Da on Elizabeth in Manhattan’s chinatown. I think it’s fabulous that you can get both Russian borsch soup and pork congee with preserved egg. I love New York.
Mmmmmmilkshakes at The Soda Shop
This is Rikomatic, undercover milkshake inspector, reporting live from The Soda Shop on Chambers Street in Manhattan. Luckily, today they had as their special flavor pistachio, my favorite. The good news is that the milkshakes are so thick that they serve them with extra large straws. This was actually very helpful since the pistachio flavor…
Second Life Radio News launching at SLCC on August 24
Bluewave Ogee announced at the last Non-profit Commons meeting on Friday that a new Second Life Radio News service is launching on August 24 at the Second Life Community Convention. SL Radio News is offering free Public Service Announcements for non-profit groups wanting to get the word out on what they are up to. For…