Today more than one hundred avatars gathered for a dramatic protest for peace at the virtual Capitol Hill sim in Second Life. I have a lot of footage of the event that I will try and get edited and posted as soon as I can. (I stupidly had my video capture set up wrong somehow,…
Coke re-creates GTA as “Help-Em-Up” Game (video)
I saw this amazing Grand Theft Auto-like ad for Coke at a movie theater last night. I love how it re-imagines the ultra-violent video game as a new kind of FPS — a First Person Samaritan. So awesome. Sadly, I think this…
SL protest against war in Iraq TODAY at 2PM!
Today at 2pm PST is the culmination of a weekend of peace activities, organized by the nice folks at SL Netroots. Take a few minutes out of your day and come out at 2pm if you oppose the war in Iraq, or just want to stand up for peace in general. We’ll be convening at… your personal event coordinator
I’ve been experimenting with the cool calendaring website It’s an impressive online community-based calendar service with lots of Web2.0 goodness built into it. What’s innovative about Eventful is that any user can add events, tag them, and share them with others. Even better, you can export the events to all sorts of other scheduling…
Cindy is in a music video!!! (By a band called “!!!”.)
My girl Cindy finally got around to blogging about her experiences dancing in a music video last weekend. It was for an up-and-coming indie band that we had not heard of, with the Prince-like name of "!!!" (which apparently is pronounced "chk! chk! chk!") Read about her trippy adventure in video making. IMO, if a…
Reminder: Virtual peace protest on Monday at SL Capitol Hill!
Just got back from errcheck Hick’s excellent sign and shirt making workshop, in preparation for Monday’s peace demonstration going on at SL Capitol Hill at 2PM PST. I got my love beads, birkenstocks, peace symbol medallion and protest sign all ready. The weekend of peace activities are being organized by the SL Netroots group, led…
Global Kids and UNICEF team up for virtual children’s festival (video)
Barry and Rafi over at Global Kids sent out news that UNICEF just featured a cool little video on their joint project "A World Fit for Children" festival. It’s a nice demonstration of the potential of virtual environments to bring people from all over the world together, in ways that would not be possible on…
Avatars Against the War! Actions for peace in the Metaverse Jan 27-29
Ruby Glitter and her crew at RootscampSL are organizing three days of action against the war in Iraq, to coincide with the national March for Peace in Washington DC on Saturday. The action will include: Sat Jan 27, noon: a T-shirt and protest sign design workshop (teleport SLURL) Sun Jan 28, 1pm: A lecture on…
easyJet chief announces new low-cost, no-frills virtual world: easyLife
In Davos today, during an interview simulcast in the virtual world of Second Life, CEO of the easyGroup Stelios Haji-Ioannou announced that his consortium would soon be launching a new product line to reach out to the expanding market of massively-multiplayer online gamers and virtual worlders. Entitled "easyLife," Mr. Haji-Ioannou described it as a virtual…
Davos in Second Life: public engagement, Flavor of the Week or damage control?
Coming out of the first of many in-world interviews with some of the major personages attending this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, I am left with the question, What’s the point? The WEF is an annual gathering of 2,000 of the most influential business and political leaders in the world to discuss important…