I did a quick survey of some of the organizers of Second Life commemorations of 9/11 yesterday, just to find out how their events went and how much turn-out there was. It sounds like they were a great success.
September 11: five years ago, only yesterday
After a very long day I headed out at around midnight with my roommate to check out what was going on at Ground Zero, which is only a couple of blocks from my house. It was a circus of humanity, a riot of emotions and colors and noise that looked like it was going to…
We will never forget.
Vote for Ill Clan machinima for BitFilm Festival!
My buddy Frank (aka Ill Bixby) at Ill Clan productions tells me that their machinima movie on Second Life has been nominated for an award in the BitFilm festival. The machimima "TrashTalk with ILL Will" features talk show host Ill Will and his sidekick / missile Mal skewering the Second Life universe, where they find…
Light a virtual candle for the 9/11 victims & families today
"It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." Wherever you are, you can bring light into dark places, even in Second Life. Two sims have offered up spaces where residents can go and light candles to which you can attach your own wishes and prayers. One is in Darkwood Cathedral (pictured) and…
1st FCC hearing on Media Ownership Oct 2 in LA
The Federal Communications Commission has announced the first of a series of public hearings on media ownership, to take place October 2 in Los Angeles. This is an important opportunity for Americans to get their voices heard on the kind of media they want. From the press release, FCC chairman Kevin Martin is quoted as…
Joystiq on Gov Warner virtual campaigning
Dennis McCauley in his latest column on Joystiq has a nice summary of the Second Life virtual campaign stop of Governor Mark Warner. He makes the important point that Warner’s visit was good for the reputation of online gamerz everywhere: For the online game community, the former Virginia governor’s Second Life stop was a definite…
How to build a tiki bar (1999 Atomic photo-essay)
The killer tiki website Humu Kon Tiki has scanned and re-posted one of the most entertaining and informative articles in the retro-style magazine Atomic, edited by my old friend Leslie Rosenberg. Entitled "Build a Real Tiki Bar" the article ran in the Fall 1999 issue. Balancing helpful advice on how to construct one of these…
Swinging at Elfay’s Jazz Party (video)
The lovely and talented Elfay Pinkdot has been hosting and DJing a great jazz and blues party on Saturday mornings in Second Life. She plays an ecclectic mix of great tunes interspersed with her sultry voice that’s great to wake up to. Here’s a YouTube video of her recent party yesterday, and a larger Quicktime…
Remembering the “Greatest Bar on Earth”
As the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attack approaches, I am feeling nostalgic and sad about the loss of the “Greatest Bar on Earth” on the 107th Floor of Tower 1 of the World Trade Center. It was my most direct connection to the WTC, my regular Saturday night hangout for awhile. The “Greatest…