I just finished Julian Dibbell’s informative and entertaining new book on virtual economies Play Money. If you will recall, I purchased both the virtual and real world versions of the book last month, opting to read the dead tree edition. It’s a quick read, told from the wry and clever personal perspective of the author,…
Sneak Peek at Aloft Starwood Hotel in Second Life
I dropped in on Aloft Island to check out the upcoming release of this much ballyhooed "Aloft" virtual hotel being sponsored by the Starwood Hotel chain. It’s set for a September launch, although it looks still pretty raw right now.
Idlewild, SYTYCD and the problem with dance on TV & Film
Thanks to a reporter friend (you rock, Alligator!), I saw an advanced screening of the Outkast vanity project "Idlewild" on Wednesday. (This is not a movie review, but if you are dying to know, the movie was just okay.) As an amateur lindy hopper and hip hop dancer, I was excited about the prospects of…
“Virtual Poetry Slam” for the environment: Win $500!
My friends at Citizens for Global Solutions have created a number of innovative campaigns and contests on various global issues. Their last effort to come across my in-box was a "Better than Bolton" home video campaign, urging people to send in short videos saying why they oppose the re-nomination of UN-basher John Bolton to the…
Gift Assistant provides no gift and no assistance
I don’t know why I haven’t blogged about this earlier. I guess I was waiting for the slow wheels of justice to grind. But the Better Business Bureau has just told me I’m SOL, so I’m resorting to complaining about it here. Don’t shop at the Gift Assistant . Last Christmas, I decided, instead of…
Andy Carvin heads to NPR
After a few weeks of silence, veteran blogger, Digital Divide activist, and cool dude Andy Carvin just announced that he has accepted a position with National Public Radio as "senior product manager for online communities." Andy writes that NPR is basically hiring him to be their Web2.0 strategist, which is a position he is perfect…
Slavery Still Exists: AP reports that sex slavery widespread in US
On August 15, authorities arrested the owners of 20 suspected brothels on the East Coast, where they rounded up 70 possible sex slaves from Korea. Experts and advocacy groups like Free the Slaves contend that slavery and human trafficking is alive and well, according to a recent AP story. The US State Department estimates that…
Smithsonian photo archive goes Web 2.0-ish
Yesterday, the Smithsonian Photography Initiative released 2,000 rare photos to the public on their website. Okay, 2,000 photographs is not that big a deal. But much more interesting is how they released them. The Smithsonian built into their site several cool ways to search, tag, and group the photos — and share those tags and…
Le Monde, MSNBC on Second Life marketing and “boinking”
Lots of media attention on Second Life in the last days. Le Monde has a knock-out piece on their website profiling various SL residents, with a cool slide show and voice-over. I haven’t had time to listen to all of it, but will post a summary when I do. Meanwhile, MSNBC goes for both the…
Scam Artists – real and virtual
I was just the potential victim of a classic New York scam. I was walking back to my office from a visit to the Mac Store on 59th Street and 5th Avenue at 3pm. On 53rd Street between 6th and 7th avenues, I brush against another pedestrian walking very slowly to my right. I literally…