Check out this wicked "Know the Elements" hoodie by 5e Gallery. There could not be a more perfect hoodie for me, combining hip-hop and science nerdery. And it even fits nicely. Hip-hip Heads: Do you get all the references underneath the elements? My colleague Christine and I shot some pics of the hoodie at my museum the…
Google Hangout Fail
Note to self: it is WAY TOO EASY to invite all of your 300+ Google+ contacts to a live Google Hangout from your living room. Particularly if it is 10:30pm and you are totally braindead. Yes, I am a digital media professional.
An Up Close and Violent View of the Uber / Taxi War
VS A few weeks ago, I had a very in-your-face encounter with the death match going on between ridesharing services — particular Uber — and municipal taxis. I've been reading some of the articles and blog posts about how much Uber has cut into the taxi and limo business, and things do not look good…
A Raw and Honest Conversation on Creating Safer Dance Spaces
Since last week, the lindy hop community has been reeling from revelations that well-known dance instructor Steven Mitchell has been sexually abusive to multiple women (including some teens) over the span of many, many years. We've been struggling to find some light in the midst of the darkness. From that context, a bunch of us…
“Shake It Off” Shim Sham (video)
I find it difficult to not like Taylor Swift when she sings earworms like "Shake It Off" and enjoys making a fool of herself in her own music video. Apparently I'm not alone. Here's a bunch of swing dancers at Lindy in the Park in San Francisco doing a modified Shim Sham to "Shake It Off."…
Remy and Ramona at AJW 2015 in Seoul
Here's the incomparable Romona Staffeld and Remy Kouakou Kouame killing this lindy hop performance at Authentic Jazz Weekend in Seoul, Korea a few days ago. After this past week in lindy hop, I really needed this reminder of what is so wonderful and worthy of celebrating and passing on about this dance. The joy, the music,…
Dancing House to Electro-swing (video)
Here's a video I have been sitting on for awhile of a house practice session with my buddy David from last December. We're having a great time rocking out to this electro-swing beat. I think it works really well. I hope you enjoy it.
Making Lindy Hop a Safe Place for Teens and Women
Sarah Sullivan is a lindy hopper who has been dancing for 11 years and co-organizes a popular swing dance venue the Mobtown Ballroom in Baltimore, MD. Yesterday Sarah posted on her personal blog a shocking story about a well-known older dance instructor Steven Mitchell, and his long history of inappropriate and unwanted sexual advances directed…
Bay Area Old Skool Hip-hop Dancers Breaking It Down (video)
As someone who loves street dance / hip-hop dance, I do think about the image of a middle-aged dude breaking it down in the cypher or on-stage. It's a young person's game, like so many things in life. So it does my heart good to see old skool dancers continuing to represent in Bay Area,…
Upgrading My Running Gear: Brooks Adrenaline GTS 14
For 2015, I’m trying to get more serious about my running. Last July, I resolved to run three times a week, which I’ve kept up more or less, putting a 150 miles or so on my trainers. While the results have not been dramatic, I have enjoyed getting back to a regular workout regime and…