Early tomorrow morning, I board the first of several flights that will eventually get me back to the homeland, the Philippines Islands! Incredibly, it's been seventeen years since I've been to PI! That's me as a much younger man above, during my second trip in 1998. This is the first time I'm going home without…
Health and Dancing: Tips from 4 Dancer / Fitness Experts
For Yehoodi.com, I assembled this article on "health and lindy hop", that I think is applicable to all kinds of dancers and people. I interviewed a couple of personal trainers, a former coach, a yoga instructor and a physical therapist, all of whom have been dancing for several years. They provided some great insights into…
House Dance Session in Golden Gate Park, March 29
It was another glorious day in Golden Gate Park yesterday for a house dance practice session. Seven dancers gathered in the bandshell of the music concourse section of the park to share their love of dancing, their individual grooves, and their energy. That's Nehemiah killing it above. Here's a short video of one of his sets…
Mounting an iPhone on My Buddy Scooter Safely and Securely: the Ram X-grip
One of the challenges of riding on a scooter is navigating while driving. Pulling out your phone is out of the question, and it's hard to hear audio directions amidst all of the traffic noise. How can you put your phone or GPS unit in your line of sight securely and safely? Enter the Ram…
UNBOXING: Ultimate Ears BOOM Portable Bluetooth Speakers
I've never done an unboxing video before. But these new "BOOM" bluetooth speakers from Ultimate Ears came in such odd packaging, that I kind of had to do it. Still not sure if this is cool or dumb? What do you think?
Lucifer: Amazing House Dance Crew from Japan!
I stumbled upon this dance video on reddit and can't stop watching it. This is Lucifer crew dancing at the 2013 Dance@Piece show in Japan. Don't know why they are called that, but they definitely are wicked. Some of the tightest, cleanest choreo I've ever seen from a house dance crew. Great musicality and…
Appreciating the Sky, for Once
I happened to stop by the Palace of Fine Arts after running some errands, right around the beautiful hour. Lots of people were milling about, shooting pics with their phones and cameras, probably hundreds of shots every minute. I decided to just stop and take in the incredible sky, framed by the palace. Over the…
Remembering the Joy of Running
Yesterday, I saw a little boy in my museum just having a blast running back and forth across the long hallways on the public floor. He just seemed so ecstatic about the act of running itself. I sometimes forget that running should feel good. In middle school, after the bus would let me out near my…
Okonomiyaki: As Fun to Say as to Eat
Is there any other food item that is as fun to say and to eat as "Okonomiyaki"? I think not. Just say it a few times to yourself: "O-ko-no-mi-ya-ki , O-ko-no-mi-ya-ki, O-KO-NO-MI-YA-KI!" For those that have not had the pleasure, I'm sorry for you. It's a delicious savory Japanese pancake, typically stuffed with some kind of meat…
Five Swing Event Organizers Talk about Creating Safer Dance Spaces
In light of the ongoing conversations in the lindy hop world on how we create safer dance spaces for all, Nicole Zuckerman, Manu Smith and I produced an online forum for events organizers on February 4, 2015. Participants included an all-star line up of prominent leaders in the swing community: Hilary Alexander, organizer of Camp Hollywood Scott…