Here's a cool Second Life interview with Lynette Wallworth, a truly innovative Australian artist who creates emotionally powerful video installations that break the wall between the viewer and the video. I love Lynette's work, which transforms physical space and draws you into the video in a way that a computer screen or even an IMAX…
Tag: bavc
Draxtor interviews Chelo Alvarez-Stehle about “SOS-Slaves” game on sex trafficking
This is the second in a series of interviews conducted by citizen journalist / machinimatographer Draxtor Despres with participants in the BAVC Producers Institute. In this interview, Draxtor talks with Chelo Alvarez-Stehle about her project on sex-trafficking, called "Sands Of Silence." I was one of the mentors on this project at the Producers Institute. Looking…
Appreciating my role as a “Connector”
Post-processing my experience being a "mentor" at the BAVC Producers Institute in San Francisco last week, I've been realizing some of the unique aspects of my own personal journey and how that has shaped me into the odd amalgamation of activist / technologist / educator/ dancer/ Quaker etc. This past week has helped me to…
BAVC Producer’s Institute Finale: Pitching your project!
The culminating event of the BAVC Producer's Institute is a presentation of the eight projects being developed here to a group of potential funders, partners and distributors. The challenge presented to each team was to develop and present a prototype of a participatory media project that creates social change. It's an intense and nerve-wracking experience…
Draxtor’s report on the BAVC Producer’s Institute
Here's the first in a series of machinima reports by my friend Draxtor Despres on the Producer's Institute, run by the Bay Area Video Coalition in San Francisco. Draxtor's first guest is Wendy Levy of BAVC, the coordinator of the Institute, explaining what it's all about.
“SOS Slaves” digital game challenges youth to help end sex trafficking
One of the other amazing projects I am helping with at the BAVC Producers Institute is "SOS Slaves," a web-based game that will educate and activate young people on the issue of sex trafficking around the world. Building upon "Sands of Silence" a powerful documentary about sex trafficking by filmmaker Chelo Alvarez-Stehle, "SOS Slaves" will…
Shooting machinima at the BAVC Producer’s Institute
Today we started shooting machinima for the presentation for the "Virtual Mine" project, being pitched at the conclusion of the BAVC Producer's Institute on Friday. Yes, it was a lot of work for the team to create the assets, write the shooting script, and arrange the sets for the machinima shoot. But it was also…
Virtual meeting with Claudia Linden at the Producers Institute at BAVC in San Francisco
I've been in San Francisco since Saturday participating in the awesome Producers Institute, organized by the Bay Area Video Coalition. The Producers Institute is an intense week bringing together documentary filmmakers, technologists, activists and educators to brainstorm new forms of participatory media for social change. I feel very lucky to be here as a "Mentor"…
Off to Producers Institute for New Media Technologies in SF next week!
Video about project to create social media supporting global justice, around documentary "The Reckoning." I got a last minute invite to participate in the Producers Institute for New Media Technologies all of next week in San Francisco, run by those amazing folks at the Bay Area Video Coalition. Running from May 27 to June 7,…