The documentary “Life 2.0” tells the stories of five people who find themselves drawn to the virtual world of Second Life for various reasons. All of their stories are compelling in their own ways, but as a whole piece I found “Life 2.0” to be somewhat formless and at worse lurid in its depictions of…
Tag: review
“Tron Legacy”: Eye-popping Effects, Glorious Soundscape, and Olivia Wilde
I saw the much anticipated "Tron Legacy" last night with several friends, in 3D IMAX. To get it out of the way, yes the plot is a lot of portentious, illogical, convoluted hoo-hah. Don't let it distract you. "Tron Legacy" is about ridiculously cool light cycle fights, hyper-animated disc combat, and the most beautiful program…
First Dancer’s Review of “Dance Central” and Kinect for Xbox 360
My buddy Spuds posts to his review of the new XBox 360 game "Dance Central," the flagship dancing game of the new "Kinect" controller system. It's the first dancer's perspective review of "Dance Central" that I've seen on the web so far. Kinect is what might be a paradigm-changing system for interfacing with your…
Watch this 70-minute Review of “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace” (seriously)
This guy at RedLetterMedia has created the “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (Episode One)” review to end all reviews. Clocking in at 70-minutes in seven installments on YouTube, I kid you not when I say it is worth watching from beginning to end. It kind of reminds of listening to my friend Frankyboy tell a…
“Burn the Floor” review: cheesy latin dancing goodness
Apparently I was destined to see the Broadway show "Burn the Floor" because I've had two people offer me free tickets to see it. Tonight, I finally caught the dance-oriented show, due to fortuitous circumstances, and I'm glad I did. (Thanks, Carla!) "Burn the Floor" has gotten some scorching reviews from the NY Times and…
Food Review: Baoguette pleases with pate-packed bahn mi in Murray Hill
My colleagues Rafi, Barry, Nick and I just had some tasty bahn mi from the new Baoguette sandwich shop at 61 Lexington near 25th Street. I'm happy to report that both their chicken and pulled pork variations were mighty tasty, heavy on the pate, full of fresh and pickled veggies, and nestled in a perfectly…