I love this classic Super Marios Brothers-style PSA about safe sex practices created by the Leichestershire Teenage Pregnancy Partnership. Someone needs to make this game! So incredibly clever. [Hat tip to my colleague Sarah for the link!]
Tag: video game
First Dancer’s Review of “Dance Central” and Kinect for Xbox 360
My buddy Spuds posts to Yehoodi.com his review of the new XBox 360 game "Dance Central," the flagship dancing game of the new "Kinect" controller system. It's the first dancer's perspective review of "Dance Central" that I've seen on the web so far. Kinect is what might be a paradigm-changing system for interfacing with your…
IBM’s CityOne Game: Solve Real World Problems in a Virtual City
CityOne, a new game being developed by IBM, combines the god-view SimCity experience with current urban development challenges like clean water, overcrowding and small business growth. The goal of the game is "to teach laypeople how to better cope with complex modern problems by showing them the forest of solutions that have to be brought…