For the past 17 years, my cat Mole Negro has been the one constant in my life amidst job changes, relationship shifts, and moves to different cities.
At the end of 2021, I took him in for his annual check-up, assuming a clean bill of health since he’s been acting like his old self. Unfortunately, the vet uncovered several underlying health conditions that we’ve had to adjust to quickly:
- absorptive lesions in his gums making it difficult for him to eat
- hyperthyroidism
- a heart murmur
- kidney disease
As a result of this, I’ve had to drastically modify his diet from regular dry food to specialized food to help treat his kidney disease and that he can eat with less chewing. And he has to be given two doses of Methizamole for his hyperthyroidism. This week, I’m taking him in to see a veterinary cardiologist to see what is up with his heart.
It’s … a lot. But I’m thankful that he seems to still be happy and engaged. And that so far the steps we’ve had to take have not been too difficult. All this has made me thankful for every day I get with my furry buddy.

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