A couple of years ago, I put together a TRON costume for $60 that I was pretty proud of. I decided to enhance it for 2022, which happens to be the 40th anniversary of the original TRON movie.
The most visible addition to this rebooted costume was an LED visor that definitely turned a lot of heads. I also added light up slap bracelets for additional illumination. Combined with the light up disc and skate wheels, I cut quite the figure in the dark. And it didn’t look half bad in the daylight!

I found as many opportunities to show off my costume as I could, particularly at the skating rink. Rolling as TRON at the 6th Avenue Skating Place, the new SanFranDisco rink in the civic center, and at Panther Skate Plaza in Oakland was so amazing!
I love these pics taken by Raccoondidit of me at Panther Skate Plaza.

With my skate peeps at 6th Avenue!

But honestly the biggest treat was wearing my costume at KQED for our staff Halloween party. I ended up bringing home the prizes for “best runway” and “mic performance”!

Plus I finally got to roller skate down our very futuristic hallways!
One of my best costumes ever. I want to wear it all the damn time!