Skate buddy Bob shot and edited this dope footage of myself and my friends jamming in Golden Gate Park on January 14. Such a fun night! Featured skaters and dancers: Terrence Deep Zak HK Kendra Leyla Jess Jake
What I Normally Eat Is Boring and I Love It
I have a boring but satisfying meal system to go with my intermittent fasting practice that I’ve followed for almost two years. This of interest to no one, but I thought it good to record anyway for myself. On Monday morning I do all of my grocery shopping for the week, which includes: 18 eggs…
Unlocking Myself at the Skating Rink
I started roller-skating because I missed dancing. But it might be making me a better person. Because of the pandemic, all of my usual outlets for social dancing were suddenly closed to me. No lindy hopping on Thursdays at 9:20. No late night clubbing at New Parish. No dance classes, no street parties, no music…
Hard Stuff I Did in 2021
The year 2021 was not without its challenges for me. I think it’s important to remember the ones I confronted. #1: Moving Mom My sister and I worked together to get our mother into a much safer, more supportive environment. It was not easy for everyone involved, particularly our mother who has lived alone for…
2021 in Review: New Name, Skate Dancing, Tropical Trippin, and Lots of Bakes
The year 2021 was not quite the dumpster fire that 2020 was. There’s a lot that I am thankful for about this year – my supportive family, good friends, my health, meaningful employment, quad skating, baked goods, and so much more! Here’s some of the best bits. Rik to Riki This year, among my friends…
Sipping Cocoa Solo at the Fairmont Hotel
So I had just come from seeing the really wonderful new Spider-man movie in downtown SF and was about to head home. But then I thought it would be a splendid end of the night to visit the massive gingerbread house at the Fairmont Hotel and enjoy a hot cocoa. I headed over to the…
The Doughnuts (1963)
I think this must be where my fascination with bakeries started. We were forced to watch this short film The Doughnuts (1963) many times in grade school. The plot is so dumb, but the shots of the machine just churning out doughnut after doughnut just fascinated me. Upon review, those doughnuts look terrible.
Skating at the Soon-to-be-closed Golden Skate
I had a blast skating at my first proper skating rink, the venerable Golden Skate in San Ramon, which has been open since the 1970s. Sadly, the owners announced that they will be closing it after the holidays. It’s a lovely old rink with a quaint, old-timey feel to it, from the country town motif…
Ice Skating in Union Square is Delightful
I had forgotten what a joy it is to ice skate. Even better when 20 of your skate and dance buddies show up to skate with you! My heart was so full from this evening of fun at the Union Square rink. I mean look at these happy faces! Here’s a little compilation from the…
A Warm and Lovely November Sunday at the Skating Place
This is November in San Francisco! Such a glorious day in the park with beautiful people — including my Facebook skater friend Caroline who I actually met in person for the first time! Good times!