Check out this incredible music and dance tribute to the late, great Frankie Manning by the Revisionists featuring a ton of wonderful dancers from around the world. I’m happy to play a very small part in this. “When I travel to all these different swing dance events, I’m finally seeing what I’ve wanted to see…
Bread is Life
“If I gave you a bag of flour and water you could live on it for awhile but eventually you would die. But if you take that same bag of flour and water and bake it into bread you could live indefinitely.” Bruce German, food scientist, UC Davis. From “Cooked” by Michael Pollan on Netflix….
Fun Times in Maui: Snorkeling, Sunset atop a Volcano, Fusion Flip Food and Lindy Hop!
Just got back from a delightful two weeks in Maui, Hawaii. And man, am I browner, chiller and fatter. Getting back to Hawaii has long been on my bucket list, to make up for several disappointing trips to the islands with my family as a teen. This time around I promised myself I would get…
The Pivotal Role of the Hype Man / Woman in the Dance Scene
As an older dancer, the loss of flexibility, strength, and stamina compared to my younger years looms larger and larger. It’s not fun to feel your own limits. BUT… there’s a lot I can still do to bring energy to the scene. I ‘ve been thinking this morning about the role of the hype man…
On Being Lost and Listening to Your Gut
So yesterday I was visiting with some family in another city. I borrowed a car since it was pretty far away. As I was getting ready to go back home, I told my phone to give me directions. At least that’s what I thought I did. First thing my phone tells me to do is…
Jam Skate Progress – 10 Months
Yesterday was International Dance Day! And it’s been about 10 months since I started quad skating! I decided to try and capture some of the stuff I’ve been working on with my jam skating— that niche sub-genre of dance skating, often confused for rhythm skating. Jam skating is basically breaking / b-boying but on skates….
Rekindling that Electric Vibe of Social Dancing
Yesterday at the amazing “Rollin Deep” event put on by the Bay Area Roller Group, I got to experience all those life-giving feelings that dancing gives to me that I had almost forgotten: Seeing another dancer going off, locking eyes, and just vibing with them for a moment, a phrase, or whole song. Seeing your…
Pandemic Changes: Going Back to Quaker Church
I was pleased I got to share on KQED’s Bay Curious blog in March a bit of how the pandemic has changed my life: getting back to my Quaker roots. Here’s what I shared: My name is Rik Panganiban and I work for KQED education. Like a lot of people, everything changed in the pandemic,…
Unlocked: Matrix Dip on Quads
Excited to unlock this move last week!
What to Expect at a Virtual Quaker Meeting
I’ve been attending a virtual Quaker Meeting for Worship (what we call our services) for about a year. For those interested in experiencing this unique form of religious gathering, there is no better time, with hundreds of them happening each week. My home church, the Brooklyn Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, holds…