The year 2020 was one that no one could have anticipated. A global pandemic grinds normal life to a halt. Horrible acts of violence against Black people lead to a painful but necessarily national reckoning with the systemic racism in our society. A contentious presidential election results in (hopefully) a peaceful transfer of power. I…
First Time Making Danish Pastry!
One of my projects during the holiday break has been learning how to make one of my favorite desserts: Danish pastry! Somewhere between a brioche and a croissant, Danish seemed like a good next step in my baking journey. First step was choosing a recipe. After scouring the internets, I decided King Arthur Flour /…
A Dance Tribute to “Miracle on 42nd Street”
It was 2011 that my all time favorite holiday dance video — and one of my favorite dance videos PERIOD — came out: “A Miracle on 42nd Street.” Performed by the Yas Initiative, aka Alex Karigan and Zac Hammer, this very Broadway, very campy dance piece is just joy encapsulated for me. Fast forward to…
Art as Fishing by Todd Drake
Last week at Brooklyn Quaker Meeting for Worship, Todd Drake shared this beautiful message, which I am sharing with his permission: As an artist, I have often thought of making art as like fishing. It’s like you are throwing out bait and hoping that it catches something. That might mean a sale or some kind…
Christmas, 1978
That is one happy kiddo!
NARRATOR: When last we left Herfordshire resident Charles, he had left his granddad’s beloved pocket watch for the expert restorers in the Repair Shop. But can master watch maker Stephen fix this prized heirloom? STEPHEN: Hi Charles, good to see again. So… I won’t keep you in suspense. Here it is. CHARLES: Well this is…
My Rejected “Repair Shop” Pitch
Jay: Welcome, what can we do for you? George: I would like this plate set mended. Jay: Oh that calls for our ceramics specialist Audrey. Audrey, would you come over here please? Audrey: What have we here? Oh, a set of china. But what happened to them? George: I’m afraid they had a bit of…
Rhythm Skating is Dancing!
What I love about rhythm skating is that I can pour into it all of my past dancing — solo jazz, house, breaking, waacking — and find new ways of expressing that on 8 tiny wheels! It’s seriously the best.
Easy Roast Duck (recipe)
INGREDIENTS 1 4- to 5-pound duck Freshly ground black pepper ¼ cup soy sauce, more or less Equipment: roasting pan rack PREPARATION Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Remove giblets and neck from duck cavity and discard or reserve for another use. Cut off excess fat from duck cavity. Place duck, breast side down (wings up), on a…
Kurt Vonnegut on Enjoyment versus Achievement
I have not been able to find the original source for this quote from author Kurt Vonnegut, I’m afraid. But it speaks volumes to me as a eternal beginner at so many things. When I was 15, I spent a month working on an archeological dig. I was talking to one of the archeologists one…