Here’s a yummy vegetarian recipe from my colleague Julianna , who was riffing on this one. I made some modifications and added some steps to my version. Ingredients: Olive oil 2 medium eggplants, halved and scored 1 cup walnuts / pecans, chopped 1 cup mushrooms, sliced or chopped 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp cumin…
Nan’s Pancakes (via Maria V)
This recipe comes from Nan, a friend of my friend Maria in Holland. I’m still trying to dial it in, but love how fluffy these come out. Might need to steam them for a bit after frying on both sides. Instructions Sift together into a bowl: 2 cups all purpose flour, 4 teaspoons baking powder,…
Family Tech Support in 2050
I did some tech support for my mom this morning, which she was a trooper about, I have to say. It inspired this conversation that I expect to happen 20 years from now, if not sooner. ME: Hi Aria, I can’t get this stupid virtual TV thing to show me Step Up 12. It’s broken….
How I’m Surviving the Pandemic: Moving, Meditating, Connecting
So we are in Month 4 of the coronavirus pandemic quarantine, which is unbelievable and weird. Time has no meaning anymore, as people are fond of saying. Despite not getting to go to most of the places that were part of my regular routine (the office, the climbing gym, dance clubs and bars, restaurants, bakeries),…
8 Weeks on 18:6 Intermittent Fasting Diet
I finished my 8th week following an 18:6 intermittent fasting schedule (18 hour fast, 6 hour window to eat). I’ve found it not as much of a struggle as I had feared! Typically I get to 19:5 without much extra effort. I’ve gotten my body used to eating two meals a day at noon-ish and…
Taking the US Marines Fitness Test at 51
This weekend, on a lark, I decided to do the US Marines Fitness Test, that marine corps’ regular physical challenge that all marines have to pass in order to stay in fighting shape. The test combines pull-ups, timed crunches and a 3 mile run. Basically a festival of pain. Here’s how it went. I find…
Sheet-Pan Chicken with Sweet Potatoes, Salad Mix and Garlic Yogurt
This super easy, no fuss recipe is really delicious. Ingredients 3 lbs of chicken (I prefer drumstick + thighs) 1 sweet potato, halved and cut into 1/2-inch slices 1 1/4 teaspoons kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 2 tablespoon harissa 1/2 teaspoon cumin 5 tablespoons olive oil 2 leeks, sliced thinly 1/4 yogurt (I prefer…
Rik’s Birthday Weekend Wander!
This year, because of the pandemic, a gathering of my friends was not going to be possible. <sadface> I knew that I didn’t want to throw yet another Zoom virtual party, which honestly is getting a little old. So instead, I came up with organizing a Birthday Weekend Wander! The idea was to invite friends…
My New Thing for 2020: Roller Disco!
As another birthday rolls around, it’s time to learn something new and #embracethesuck. What will I be terrible at today? Two weeks ago, I was biking around Golden Gate Park with my friend Jess when we passed by the “Skatin’ Place” circle near 17th street and Fulton. We were watching the skaters spin, slide, and…
What is Your Calling?
The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet. Frederick Buechner This morning at Quaker Meeting for Worship, I’ve been reflecting about “my calling,” which has been a refrain that has run through my entire life. One way of understanding a “calling” is something that…