I have long ruminated about the challenge of living in a digital society where we no longer seem to have a common culture that roots us. It feels like, in generations past, Americans had a more universal experience where we did the same things (e.g. bowling) and consumed the same media (the Bible, the three…
Fun Time MCing and Dance Skating at Work!
I had a blast on Wednesday leading up a staff open mic at KQED (again). I wanted to create a safe space for folks to share their talents and passions with each other, and I think we achieved that! We had eight performers share their gifts with an enthusiastic crowd of about 40 staff. Seeing…
Just Another Dope Night at Panther Skate (Photo Essay)
I shot a bunch of pics at Panther Skate Plaza on Thursday night to use for a photo essay I’m producing for work. Here’s what I shot. Panther Skate Plaza Photo Essay by Rik at KQED Here’s the pics embiggened with the same captions. You get to see so many fun skate setups at Panther!…
Dad’s “Can Do” New Immigrant Confidence
I always remember my dad having this confidence about everything he did, from home maintenance to sports to driving. I don’t really know where he got it from, possibly from his time working at the Clark Air Force Base, his medical training, or just generally how his adopted mom Nana Olin raised him. He never…
Old Wounds into New Material
Years and years ago, a close friend made me a scarf that I never wore. It was just a too big for me and not really my style. Then they abruptly ended our friendship in an unexpected and painful way that left me feeling deeply hurt and confused for awhile. But out of some weird…
“The world breaks everyone….”
“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.” Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms
Splinter’s Wisdom
Splinter: Death comes for us all, Oroku Saki, but something much worse comes for you. For when you die, it will be …without honor. from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 1990
My Dad Walter Panganiban (1943-2024)
My father Walter Panganiban passed away peacefully in his home in Dublin California yesterday evening. Dad emigrated to the US in the late 60s from the Philippines. He paved the way for many of his family to come to America and set them up for success. He was a respected family physician in the Bay…
Three jobs least impacted by AI are…
“The jobs least likely to be impacted by AI are dancer, athlete and roofer.” – Ethan Molick, AI Expert See Ethan Molick’s blog www.oneusefulthing.org for more insight into the impact of AI on work, education and life as we know it.
Baingan Bharta Pot Pie (recipe)
For Pi Day this year, I decided I wanted to make a savory pie. But what to put inside of it? I’ve been more and more plant-based over the past year, and really enjoying finding new recipes and ingredients that I haven’t cooked with before. Baingan bharta is one of my favorite Indian dishes to…