I had the honor of interviewing lindy hop and tap legends Sugar Sullvan and Barbara Billups at Swingin’ at the Savoy 2024 a couple of weeks ago. Sharing the stage with these two dancers was such a treat. Paulo Sentio was gracious enough to provide these amazing pics from the event.
One Week into Physical Therapy for Jumper’s Knee
Last Saturday, I started a new physical therapy regime, making me officially old, I guess. It was prescribed by a therapist at Kaiser to manage, and hopefully reduce, the knee pain that I have been experiencing from “Jumper’s Knee” or Patellar Tendinitis. For the most part, it’s been going well. The exercises and stretches don’t…
I Have Jumpers Knee (Patellar Tendinitis)
On Friday I went to my first physical therapist session ever, at the advice of my doctor. My goal is to work on lessening knee pain I’ve been experiencing more and more over the past year. The good news is I don’t have arthritis, according to the very nice physical therapist I met with Mitchell….
I’m in a SkateLyfe Video!
Check me out at 3:23! My job here is done.
Skating, Eating and More Skating in Vegas!
This weekend I traveled to my first big skate event, the 3rd Anniversary Party at Rock City Rink in Las Vegas. I joined 400+ skaters at a beautiful wood rink on the outskirts of Vegas city. I’ve been wanting to go to Vegas for awhile, and I knew a few Bay Area folks going to…
On Attention and Smartphones
I read this really interesting conversation with Georgetown professor Jeanine Turner on how smartphones have fundamentally changed the dynamic of what students “being present” means, even when the phone is turned off. This section in particular gave me pause: I absolutely believe that every teacher, every presenter in a business situation, if you want people’s…
“Small opportunities and particular likes” (quote)
Gotta admit, this scene from the Apple TV series “Foundation” just stopped me in my tracks. This is a very brief scene between the characters Brother Constant and Hober Mallow as they are separated for what they assume is forever. Brother Constant: I’m not attracted to many people. Hober Mallow: Of course not. Why would…
“Find Your Light”: The Importance of Being Seen
A Friend brought up at Quaker Meeting a few months ago the theater term “find your light.” Kaily Hansen and Ruthie Fierbird define it this way: This means you are in the dark on stage and need to step into the light. The only light that follows an actor is the spotlight. When a spotlight…
“Maybe Somebody Else Needs Me” (quote)
Wise words from Bay Area house dancer Lauren Benjamin about entering dance battles: If I feel the drive to do something, I just do it, before I can talk myself out of it. Maybe it’s not always about me. Maybe somebody else needs me to be there at that time. Lauren Benjamin
2024 Intentions: More Stamina, Skate Travel and Video Essays
I don’t tend to set “resolutions” for the New Year, which feels a bit too confining and unrealistic. Instead I do like to set “intentions” to give me direction and motivation. These are more like things I am very interested in and want to explore, but without set quantitative goals or deadlines. So not “I…