I have a very tolerant kitty.
Category: Cats
My 2017 Year in Review: Pies, Dancing, Safaris, Pastries, and More Dancing!
Okay I am WAY late to this, but I felt compelled to throw something together tonight. Here’s my 2017 year in review. Quick 2017 Stats Freestyle Dance Videos Shot: 7 Number of Marches and Protests: 3 Number of Pies Baked: 5 New Hobbies Acquired: 1 (rock climbing) Dance Competitions Entered: 5 Countries Visited: 1 (South…
A Ball of Cat
Love this guy!
Is Neko Atsume a Game? (TLDR Answer: sorta)
Neko Atsume is another weird, popular app coming to us from (of course) Japan. Originally released in Japan in October 2014, a year later an English version was released for the IOS and Android, which has garnered over 10 million downloads as of December 2015. The app could not be more simple: you are presented…
Mole the Cat sees a YouTube video for cats for first time
Spoiler alert: he gets bored and goes away. What does your cat do? Link to YouTube video "The ultimate video of birds for cats to watch."
Rik’s 2015 Year in Pictures
Here's a quick pictorial rundown of 2015. It's a good reminder to me of what a remarkable year it has been! Dancing and Music This has been a great year for dance. I did a lot of house dancing in 2015, including organizing semi-regular practice sessions in the Golden Gate Park , taking classes with…
My NEW New Adidas Shell-toes
Mole the Cat is nonplussed by my new Adidas shell-toes. But I think they are pretty fresh! The all-white ones I got a couple of months ago were just too… white.
Black Leopard and Black Domestic Cat (video)
I think this must by how my cat Mole Negro dreams about himself. (video link)
Mole Negro’s New Holiday Outfit
My cat Mole Negro was actually okay wearing this holiday outfit for about 10 minutes. And then he started freaking out.
My cat Mole is not a fan of car rides
Here's my cat Mole Negro on our recent car trip to my mom's house. I'm going to Korea for a week, and mom is sweet enough to look after him. Mole pretty much looks like this the entire car ride. "WTF" in cat form. Sorry, man, sometimes we have to drive places. Fortunately, he recovers…