If my cat Mole Negro had superpowers, this xkcd comic would describe him to a tee. When I tease him with a laser pointer, he figures it out after about 5 minutes, and then stares at me like he wants to kick my ass. [Link to original comic.]
Category: Cats
My cat Mole meets the neighbor’s cat (video)
My neighbor has an older, cranky cat that roams the hallways. Mole keeps trying to make friends, to no avail. Here's his latest attempt this evening. Good effort, buddy.
Mole likes catgrass (video)
Here's my cat Mole enjoying his daily breakfast of catgrass from my window sill. Mmm, catgrass!
Mole meets Balinese flying cat
Here's my kitty Mole Negro inspecting a Balinese flying cat ornament that I got today. Mole soon realized that the statuette was neither (1) tasty nor (2) hostile, so he proceeded to ignore it. More pics here:
My cat Mole in the pants drawer
Don’t leave a drawer open in my apartment, or this is what you find.
Mole on Office Chair
Recently my cat Mole has started using my office chair in my bedroom as his catbed. I think because he can still sleep close to me, but doesn’t have to worry about me rolling onto him in my sleep. And from the chair, he is slightly higher than me when I’m asleep.
Mole yawning
My cat Mole spends a lazy Saturday napping in my bed.
Mole shows his love for “Planet B-boy” the movie
Mole in Planet B-boy collar Originally uploaded by rikomatic I got a bunch of fun wristbands to promote the really sweet breakdance documentary "Planet B-Boy." I couldn’t resist putting one on my cat Mole as a collar. Represent! See http://www.planetbboy.com for details about the movie, which premieres in New York on March 21!
Mole Negro Boxed
Mole Negro Originally uploaded by Swifty My roommate Swifty took this awesome picture of my cat Mole Negro. Yes, Mole always looks like that — perpetually shocked. So cute!
Pimp out your toilet tank!
The craft website Etsy has these fun decals that can class-up your boring old toilet, created by Vital Industries out of Denver. I got the vespa one for our apartment, which goes great with our vintage-y shower curtain. Also a good incentive to put the seat down. My cat Mole seems to approve. Only $20…