The kitties that I fostering that we’ve named Frankie and Dawn have moved over from Cindy’s to my place tonight. My cat Mole is taking it somewhat in stride, although he isn’t really being very welcoming. We’ll keep them seperated for a day or so and see how they are getting on tomorrow. More kitty…
Category: Cats
Meet Frankie and Dawn – new foster kitties
Cindy just brought me from the shelter a couple of seven-week old calico kittens that need fostering until they are old enough to be adopted. We call the boy Frankie, after legendary lindy hopper Frankie Manning, since he’s very energetic and a big jumper. The girl we call Dawn, after dancer and singer Dawn Hampton…
Mole meets his new rival: Chia Elephant!
My cat Mole Negro inspects the new pet in our flat, Mr. Chia Elephant. Mole’s not sure he like him, but he chews on some chia seeds anyway.
Hot kitty lickin’ action!
This is a super cute video of my girlfriend’s cats being nice to each other. It’s great that she captured it on video, or else I wouldn’t have believed her. That’s because for the past few months her younger cat Vespa (the grey one) has been terrorizing the older one Geisha (the calico). So seeing…
Cindy and Rik’s Second Life (video)
Here’s a silly holiday video I created in Second Life to go along with a greeting card Cindy and I have been sending around to our friends. It’s pretty much our entire life re-created virtually, including our various crafts, food obsession, dancing, and lots and lots of cats. You can download a higher res version…
Mole is not-so-in-love with bathtime
My usually quite obedient and unflappable cat Mole was not so happy with his bath this evening. I have the scars on my back to prove it. We unfortunately have to give him a couple more baths over the next two weeks to knock out the ringworm that he’s picked up. Mole really looks like…
Bathtime for Geisha
Cindy’s cat Geisha is the most timid of souls. So when she had to take a medicinal bath to deal with her little ringworm problem, she took it… well… less than bravely. Interestingly, once she was good and soaked she calmed down noticeably. More ridiculous wet cat pictures after the jump…
Can cats detect disease? Mole says yes.
Now that I’m feeling less sad about the loss of Tina and Ike on Tuesday, I’ve been thinking about how strange my cat Mole was acting around the diseased kittens. Normally, Mole is the most social of animals, interacting playfully with whatever creatures are around, human or feline. But around Ike and Tina he was…
Alas, poor Ike and Tina, we hardly knew ye
I’m very sad to report that both Ike and Tina, the six-week-old kittens I was fostering for City Critters, have passed away. Sadly, they both succumbed to Feline Distemper , presumably because they were not vaccinated earlier. Tina was lethargic from the get-go, but we were very surprised that Ike also died since he was…
Monday cuteness: Tina and Ike
My girlfriend has sweetly brought over two six-week-old kittens for me to foster for a couple of weeks until they can be properly adopted. We’ve christened them Tina and Ike, with Ike obviously being the more aggressive one and Tina more touchy-feely. They are about the perfect size for cat juggling, but aren’t good for…