My cat Mole Negro just turned one year old. He’s a wonderful companion, friendly, playful and well behaved with strangers. One of my main motivations for getting him was to deal with our little mouse problem. Mole is a terrific mouser, patrolling the kitchen and front door, where the little vermin tend to enter and…
Category: Cats
Les Paul’s bootleg apartment radio station / jam session from the 40s
Modern Mechanix blog has a cool re-print of Les Paul’s very bootleg radio station / jam session he set up in his apartment building in the 40s. The pictures are great, expecially "Static" the cat, who you can see after the jump. Great, now I have to get another cat named "Static." For those who…
Leopold the Katrina cat
One of the lesser tragedies of Hurricane Katrina were the hundreds of displaced animals who were seperated from their owners by the disaster. Hundreds of them were round up by caring individuals and humane societies and sheltered and fostered around the country. My girlfriend Cindy has been caring for a Katrina cat named Leopold for…
Happy Birthday, Mole Negro!
My kitten cat Mole is now one year old! Happy birthday, Mole Negro! You’re all growns up! That’s him at 6 weeks above. Click on "continue" for Mole as a grown cat.
Mole the Pirate?
We had a little scare with my cat Mole Negro, who has been having problems with his right eye. Ocassionally his eye clouds up and he gets some milky discharge that in the past has cleared up after a day or so. My roommate Paul alerted me that the day before yesterday Mole’s eye had…
Young kittens in love
My cat Mole and Cindy’s cat Vespa have become inseperable these past weeks, as they have become comfortable around each other. I caught Mole licking Vespa’s face the other day, and they love to chase each other all over the house. Now we have to worry about what is going to happen when Cindy returns…
Crazy cat house update
As previously reported, I’ve got a few more furry housemates while my girlfriend is travelling this summer. Her cats Geisha and Vespa have been getting along famously with my own cat Mole Negro, as you can see. Mole even gave Vespa a kiss, which I thought was a bit forward of him.
My crazy cat house
My girlfriend is off to Italy for a month (so jealous), so I have taken aboard her two cats Geisha (the toirtoise hair) and Vespa (the grey one). We were a bit worried about how they would react to (1) being in a new and much much larger apartment and (2) having to share it…
Mole at eight months
My baby Mole Netro is becoming quite the huge cat. Here he is stalking pigeons from my bedroom window:
Forgetting to credit your friends
Sometimes it’s easiest to steal from your friends. Four months ago my friend Jamie Linder and his girlfriend Erica were playing with my kitten Mole. Jamie, being the awesome photographer that he is, took a bunch of great photos. And being the nice guy that he is, he posted them to his website, I,…