My cat Mole Negro continues to attack all knitwear in my closet. Is he telling me it’s time to move on from wool blends? Is he acting out some psycho-drama with the scarf representing his mother abandoning him as a kitten? Or is he just nuts? Maybe if you watch this video you can tell…
Category: Cats
My cat’s obsession with scarves (videos)
I know it’s not cat blogging Friday, but I was playing around with my new digital camera’s video feature, and I managed to capture my crazy kitten Mole Negro climbing up and forcing his way into my cheap coat closet. He’s quite the climber, and totally obsessed with getting at all my gloves, hats and…
Mousers – Cat versus Tech
So living in New York, you have the typical rude inhabitants — the guy who take up three seats on the subway, bike messengers zooming down sideways, the surly waitroid at the corner diner. And that’s just the humans. Everyone living in the city, whether on Central Park West or Avenue D, has to deal…