Just a reminder that tomorrow, July 1st, fifteen New York City public high school students will premiere their film Discovered –a digital "machinima" film produced in Second Life that explores the powerful issue of child sex trafficking through the fictional story of one Mexican teenager. Discovered is the final product of a year-long, intensive digital…
My first visit to the High Line today (pics)
Today I got a chance to visit the recently-opened the High Line in lower Manhattan, which was a nice treat. Running for about 20 blocks from Gansevort Street in the West Village up the westside of Manhattan, the High Line park rises a couple of stories above the city streets, built upon elevated train tracks…
My “Funky 40th” birthday jam last night! (video)
Here's a video of my birthday jam during my "Funky 40th Soul Party" last night at Club 412. So much fun dancing and partying with some of my closest friends from swing, hip-hop, Quaker and Global Kids communities. Yes, I really am 40. I don't really believe it myself sometimes. Thanks for taking this video,…
Teens show off their digital media chops at first NYC Youth Tech Fest at New School
Congrats to the 100-some teens from all over New York City who participated in the first NYC Youth Digital Media & Technology Festival at the New School. The daylong festival spotlighted the growing movement among teenagers in New York and nationally to design video games, films and other digital tools to advance social causes in…
The Winners of “So You Think You Can Dance”: Where are they now?
I was bored and decided to do some research to find out what the winners of past seasons of "So You Think You Can Dance" are doing now. Here's what I found out: Season One: Nick LazzariniCurrent Work: Founding member of the Evolution Dance Company in California. No further info available, not even a website…
Furnished bedroom available for $950 in heart of Fort Greene, July-September: Great Summer Share!
A furnished bedroom is available in my sweet two-bedroom apartment in Fort Greene, Brooklyn from July 1 to Sept 31. Perfect for a summer internship, temporary job posting, or other seasonal placement. Here's the skinny: Bedroom (10×12) has a queen bed, dresser, night stand, large closet (Also everything can be removed if you have your…
Playing with Bitstrips: the Web2.0 funny pages
I have been playing with Bitstrips, the online comic creation and sharing service that we have been using at Global Kids. It's dead simple and a lot of fun to play with. And it's a great tool for getting our youth to tell simple stories in an engaging way.
Visiting the Traditional Marriage Support Center in MetaPlace
Virtual worlds draw folks from all sorts of religious, cultural and political backgrounds. And the more broad-based they become, the more diverse they'll be. As an example, today I found the "Traditional Marriage Support Center" in Metaplace, created by user HoneyBeeRose. The info desk helpfully defines "traditional marriage" as "a marriage between one man and…
(o.o): First Annual NYC Digital Youth Media & Tech Fest this Saturday (June 27) at New School!
I'm excited to announce that this Saturday, my group Global Kids is participating in the First Annual NYC Digital Youth Media & Technology Festival taking place on June 27 at the New School in NYC. The daylong festival will spotlight the growing movement among teenagers in New York and nationally to design video games, films…
Vigil for the people of Iran tomorrow in Second Life at 2pm and 7pm PST
Tomorrow, Thursday June 25, in Second Life there will be a candelight vigil on behalf of the people of Iran at 2PM PST and 7PM PST. The location is the Roissy sim (click here to teleport directly.) The demonstration today at the beautiful Al Andalus sim was very moving, with 30-some avatars holding candles, sharing…