Shell Caerndow sends me the news that Indian telecom company Tata Indicom has launched a contest for amateur artists to submit their artwork, photos or music for a chance to win fabulous prizes including iPods, digital cameras and digital picture frames. Between now and March 2009, you can register online and submit your work for…
Uganda teen addresses youth in Teen Second Life about HIV/AIDS in Africa
Yesterday, I organized a special fireside chat on the Teen Grid of Second Life focused on HIV/AIDS in Africa. The workshop began with Rafi leading a small group of teens in an exercise to have them think about the links between poverty and HIV/AIDS, and the role of Western governments in the fight against AIDS….
Understanding Islam through Virtual Worlds: the machinima, graphic novel and report!
As previously reported, on Thursday, I had the pleasure of attending the event "Understanding Islam through Virtual Worlds" at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. The gathering featured Rita King and Joshua Fouts discussing their project to research how Muslims have been using virtual worlds as a medium to express their faith, find…
How I center down during Quaker Meeting for Worship
It is always useful for me to learn how other Quakers get themselves into the meditative state that we call “centering down.” When Quakers gather during our Meetings for Worship, we are seeking to be in a calm, quiet, reflective, receptive state. In our rushed, complicated lives, achieving this state of “expectant waiting” is not…
America’s Best Dance Crew: the only TV show that makes me want cable
America's Best Dance Crew (Season 3) – MTV Shows I don't watch network or cable TV. What with Netflix (DVDs and streaming), Hulu, iTunes, YouTube, etc., I don't feel like I am missing out much. That said, I really wish I had cable so I could watch "America's Best Dance Crew" in its full, non.jpgxelated…
Iranian hip-hop artist Yas performing at Islam & Virtual World event (video)
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of attending the event "Understanding Islam through Virtual Worlds" at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs with about 50 other people. The gathering featured Rita King and Joshua Fouts discussing their project to research how Muslims have been using virtual worlds, particularly Second Life, as a medium to…
Math exhibit at NY Hall of Science: What does this cartoon mean?
I found this oddly illustrated display at the New York Hall of Science in Queens during a visit here today. What do you think this drawing means?
Draxtor’s report on Human Rights in Second Life on PBS Frontline/World
My buddy Draxtor Despres filed his first story for PBS's "Frontline/World" show today, about human rights advocacy within Second Life. Drax focused his reporting on the Virtual Gitmo camp created by Nonny de la Peña and Peggy Weil. And he describes the somewhat mixed reception he got from other human rights activists in Paris when…
Virtual World Industry Forecast sees opportunities for education, corporate training, web-worlds
I got a chance to read over the interesting but sobering Virtual Worlds Management Industry Forecast 2009 which came out earlier this week. This report collected responses from over 60 industry executives, analysts, observers, and "thought leaders" on what the coming year holds for the virtual worlds industry. (Notable companies not represented in this survey…
Speaking on Global Kids approach and nonprofit services today
I got an opportunity to speak about Global Kids's approach to youth development and the kinds of services we offer other institutions at "Nonprofit Week" on Orange Island in Second Life today. It was neat being among the 150 or so avatars who rezzed in for the talks today by my friends Coughran Mayo and…