Good Bones by Maggie Smith Life is short, though I keep this from my children.Life is short, and I’ve shortened minein a thousand delicious, ill-advised ways,a thousand deliciously ill-advised waysI’ll keep from my children. The world is at leastfifty percent terrible, and that’s a conservativeestimate, though I keep this from my children.For every bird there…
Roosevelt Island (a poem)
I wrote this 25 years ago. It feels as relevant as ever. ROOSEVELT ISLAND May 1995 Come to the window, the work can wait.See the craggy line where the water meetsThe shores of Roosevelt Island,Isn’t the tide higher than it was a day ago?Global warming, you say, glibly. I think of my homeland: 7,000 islandsThat…
How to Make a TRON Costume for Under $60
So this October I had this crazy idea that I wanted to be TRON on skates for Halloween. More specifically, the character Sam Flynn from TRON: Legacy (2010). (Yes, the movie was a hot mess, but it looked and sounded amazing.) There were really two options for TRON costumes I found in my research: Buy…
Comparison is the Enemy of Joy
This evening in the Skating Place there was a boy who was maybe six or seven years old going around the circle with us. At that hour, there were about ten of us skating, all adults. I round a corner and see the boy lying on the ground just bawling his eyes out, while two…
Facts about Voting by Mail
As Election Day gets nearer in the US, we’re likely to encounter repeated claims by various parties, including the President, that mail-in voting is more prone to fraud than in-person voting. In light of this, I’ve created a couple of handy infographics. Feel free to share! NOTE: This information is presented in my personal capacity…
4th Month Skating: Let’s Jam!
Hey it’s been 3 months since I started quad skating in July! I’m still skating pretty much every day and learning new stuff all the time. My current obsession is unlocking how to do toe spins. Wicked hard! I thought I would celebrate by doing a little jam skate video. I could think of no…
Partnered Skating in SF!
If this isn’t a perfect city summer vibe, I don’t know what is. God damn do I love skating in the park.
Hide Yourself to Be Yourself
Zoom has a feature called “Hide Self View” where you still show your camera to the people you are in a meeting with, but not see a live view of yourself. As I think about this, “Hide Self View” is ironically about showing MORE of your true self to others. With your own camera visible…
Filipino Turon (recipe)
I made Filipino turon for the first time! This is one of my favorite Filipino desserts, which is always a hit at parties. It’s a super simple recipe, but very labor intensive. I used plantain instead of Saba banana for the filling , along with jackfruit. I also dialed back the sweetness, which brings out…
Second Month of Skating: Getting My Jam On!
There are lots of kinds of roller skating: park skating (ramps), trail skating, derby, figure. But I have had one primary motivation for learning how to quad skate: dancing. Or “jam skating” as it’s called in many places. Early this morning, I celebrated two months of quad skating by jamming to one of my favorite…