Within the week, I received invitations to two in-world events related to upcoming documentaries about virtual worlds and the people that inhabit them. It’s interesting seeing the increased public and media attention to the social and emotional implications of virtual worlds and MMORPGs on the people that play in them. The first was this past…
West coast swing and lindy hop — two great dances that dance great together
The Boston Tea Party this weekend was my first big swing dance event of the year. For awhile I have been hearing about what a great party it is, with a thousand or so lindy hoppers and west coast swing dancers gathering from around the country for competitions and dance parties all night. There’s something…
Lindy Hop Jam at Boston Tea Party 2008
Click to Play This is a jam circle in the lindy hop room at the Boston Tea Party dance event that I’m at this weekend. Really amazing dancers here from all over the United States from both the lindy hop and the west coast swing world. I’ll try and get some West Coast Swing footage…
Boston Swings this weekend in Danvers!
Click to Play I’m up in lovely Danvers, Massachusetts for the “Boston Tea Party” — a weekend long bachannal of swing dancing competitions, performances, and social dancing. The event is unique because it brings together the lindy hop and the West Coast flavors of the swing dance world, sub-genres which usually hold their own separate…
SL Entrepreneur Magazine, other blog coverage of opening of Justice Center
The Second Life Entrepreneur’s Magazine has a nice story by Shava Nerad on the opening of the International Justice Center yesterday. I even got a nice quote and picture at the end. Other nice coverage from the blogosphere and elsewhere: SLNN writeup Technola “Philanthropy 2173” Writeup about Pavig Lok’s Intellectual Property art piece at Vision…
VIDEO: Draxtor Dupres’ machinima coverage of Intl Justice Center launch
Roving metaverse reporter Draxtor Dupres has just published a really neat machinima news story covering the opening of the International Justice Center in Second Life last Thursday, which captures well the uniqueness of the event and the intent of the Center. I get a nice quote at the end, after hearing from the ICC Prosecutor,…
The Global Kids OLP crew take Barry Joseph to Pink Berry for his birthday
Click to Play The Global Kids Online Leadership Program crew thought it would be fun to blindfold our director Barry Joseph at work and take him to his favorite yogurt place Pinkberry.
Videos from breakdance practice today
Click to Play I shot a little bit of video today of me and some other people in my breakdance group practicing some of our moves. Above is a little solo that I am working on. Also recorded: Trevor and Eli working on a really cool spinning move Trevor working on his swipes It’s super…
Videos from a crazy swing party at Galapagos Art Space last night
Click to Play Last night the Galapagos Art Space in Williamsburg Brooklyn threw an amazing party called the "Swing House" featuring a ridiculous amount of entertainment packed into a raw, dark art space. I got some fun video of the event if you want to check it out, including the Blue Vipers of Brooklyn performing…
My next breakdance performance: April 17
I just found out from my breakdance teacher Pavan that the next performance of our breakdance class is on April 17 at PMT Dance Studios in Manhattan. You can see our last performance playing above. Most of the same dancers are in this performance, but we’ve all gotten much better since that performance last November….