I just finished Hamlet Au’s awesome new book The Making of Second Life. In some ways, it reads like the "greatest hits" of his influential blog "New World Notes," including some of his most popular stories such as the griefer war against the French Fronte Nationale party, the Copybot scandal, and the prim tax revolt…
Intel “Sunflower” promotion in SL benefits Conservation International
Intel has launched an interesting virtual promotion for their new non-lead-based, more eco-friendly chip that uses "45 nanometer Hafnium-based High-k metal gate transistor" technology, whatever that is. To celebrate their new chip, Intel has created a sunflower field in Second Life. If you head to Intel island (click here to teleport) you’ll find dozens of…
How to eat a stroopwafel, the finest cookie ever devised by man
Click to Play This is a pretty useless tutorial on how to eat a stroopwafel cookie, which in my estimation is the finest baked good ever created. YMMV. I apologize ahead of time if you are nowhere near a place that sells stroopwafel. Awhile ago, I saw a Starbucks selling them in New York. I…
I’m the freshest b-boy in the metaverse
Click to Play Yes, I know you can see the user interface. The regular key combination doesn’t work on my Mac, for some reason. Anyway, I did this as a tongue-in-cheek entry on Dancejam.com. Go vote me up there! Or submit your own video, so we can battle! Credits: Set: Timeless Underground Club in Second…
Foundation for Rich Content offers L$25,000 for virtual life enriching projects
I just got a notice from the Foundation for Rich Content in Second Life, which I have blogged about previously. The Foundation is offering up to L$ 25,000 for "an idea for a project that would enrich the lives of SL residents." Past grantees have produced SL sports and performance events, classes, interactive museum displays,…
Benny Powell, Junior Mance, Ron Sunshine + More Celebrate Jelly Roll’s 5th Anniversary this Saturday!
My pals at Jelly Roll Productions are throwing a swingin’ dance party this Saturday, March 8 for their fifth anniversary. The event will feature the Benny Powell Quintet, plus an all-star lineup of musicians jamming with them. Here’s the skinny: We have invited our favorite musicians who have played for us over the years to…
The Travails of Being a Second Life Tourguide
This weekend I got a chance to visit with Maria, one of my best friends who lives in Amsterdam. We were chatting about what we’ve been up to for the past year or so since we’ve seen each other, and she asks about Second Life. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever really seen Second…
Alain Wong biking from Vancouver to Tijuana for Microcredit!
I’m incredibly impressed by Alain Wong, a lindy hopper from Montreal, who has committed to riding a bicycle from Vancouver, BC to Tijuana, Mexico for the cause of microcredit lending: There are two goals to this 3000 km, 7 week ride. I’m raising $3000 for the AOC micro-credit fund, and I’m promoting micro-credit as a…
Presenting at the International Criminal Court!
Barry Joseph and I just finished a couple of, we think, fairly successful presentations to staff at the International Criminal Court on our plans to launch the International Justice Center in Second Life next month. The ICC is a huge institution, occupying two gleaming towers that were formerly the headquarters of a major Dutch television…
Global Kids in The Hague!
Barry Joseph and I had a remarkable first day running around the city of The Hague in the Netherlands, spreading the Global Kids love to groups around here. The Hague has an incredibly rich history as a center for diplomatic, international law, and peace activities, with over 150 international organisations based here, including the International…