Barry Joseph and I are getting ready to board a plane headed to the city of the Hague in the Netherlands to meet with some folks at the International Criminal Court. We are going to bring them up to speed on our plans to launch the International Justice Center in Second Life on March 20,…
Cool machinima to promote Hamlet Au’s new book on Second Life
The Making of Second Life from TheMakingOfSecondLife on Vimeo. I totally digging this sweet machinima created to promote my buddy Hamlet Au’s upcoming book The Making of Second Life. From the synopsis: Wagner James Au explores the long, implausible road behind [Second Life’s] success, and looks at the road ahead, where many believe that user-created…
If it’s Thursday, this must be Chicago
[CC-licensed photo by benchilada ] The last few weeks have been filled with a somewhat ridiculous amount of travel for Global Kids, including two trips to Chicago, a hop over to Los Angeles, and culminating in a transatlantic flight to the Netherlands at the end of this month. The purpose of all these trips has…
Encyclopedia of Life to Launch on February 28 at TED Conference!
While I was in Chicago this week, I met up with some nice folks at the incredible Field Museum (you will recall my previous adventures with their flesh eating beetles.) I learned that they are working with several other research and academic institutions to launch very soon something called the "Encyclopedia of Life." The Encyclopedia…
Young hoofer taps with funky bass & drums (video)
Click to Play This kid just kills it, performing rhythm tap with a funky bass and drums at the American Museum of Natural History today. This was part of an all-day program on African american music and dance. (Sorry, I didn’t catch his name.)
Rhythm Hoofer Maurice Chestnut at Natural History Museum (video)
Click to Play Here’s some neat footage I took of rhythm hoofer Maurice performing with a drummer and bass today at the American Museum of Natural History. This was part of an all-day program on African american music and dance.
MacArthur & HASTAC fund 17 badass digital civic engagement and education projects
Picture of Sustainable South Bronx FabLab Last Thursday, I had the pleasure of being among an energetic group of educators, tech developers, activists, and researchers representing 17 new digital media and learning projects funded by the MacArthur Foundation and the HASTAC consortium. I’m extremely proud of Global Kid’s own winning project — RezEd — a…
NetSquared offering $100K for Mash-ups for Social Change
My buddy Glitteractica sends out a cool challenge being promoted by the NetSquared conference for technology mash-ups for social change. If you have a cool idea combining different web, mobile or other tech that meets some need in your community, draft it up and send it in to NetSquared by March 14. Here’s some examples:…
Second Life panel discussion on “Credibility in the New News” on February 29
Our friends at USC are organizing a Second Life discussion on "Credibility and Reputation in the New News" featuring Tony Curzon Price, Editor of, Jonathan Zittrain, Professor and Internet Scholar at Oxford University and Kathy Im, Program Officer at the MacArthur Foundation. The event will be held on the USC Annenberg Island [] at…
Global Kids receives new grant to create social network for virtual world educators
I am in Chicago right now representing Global Kids, who is one of 17 recipients of a grant for our work on digital media and learning. We received $72,000 to support the creation of "RezEd" a new social networking site and blog to support educators who use virtual worlds and massively multiplayer online games for…