Here’s a cool promo for the October 24 episode of "CSI:NY." My buddies at the Ill Clan prepared the machinima for the episode, so I’m pretty excited to see it. And I’ve always been a sucker for CSI in its various incarnations. Unlike other television depictions of virtual worlds and online gaming environments, this doesn’t…
Sugar swings!
This vintage ad from The Sugar Association makes me happy in so many ways. From the complete lack of proper grammar, to the weird spellings ("energyless"), and the exhortation to mothers to "make sure they get sugar every day." And who doesn’t love the Watusi? Priceless. I must have this as on my wall. Thanks…
Feature length machinima “Bloodspell” premieres October 21, come celebrate in Second Life
Phil Rice of sent me the news that the feature length machinima film "Bloodspell" will be premiering on October 21 on Machiniplex, with a release party happening in Second Life at Hathead sim (teleport SLURL): Join us for the celebration of the premiere / release party for Strange Company’s "Bloodspell" feature edition! Maybe you’ve…
Catch my breakdance performance November 15 and 18
Although I dance A LOT, I don’t usually perform, which tends to confuse people who ask about my dancing. Most of my dance activity is confined to social dancing at swing music venues and the occasional party or club. So it’s rare to see me dancing in public ( with the exception of the Apollo…
Join millions in standing against poverty TODAY at 10AM PST
Today at 10AM PST (1PM EST) there will be a "Stand Up Against Poverty" event in Second Life sponsored by the UN Millennium Campaign. If you don’t make it, it will repeat at 6:30PM PST / 9:30PM EST. Both events will take place at the Plush Nonprofit Commons sim (teleport SLURL.) Here’s the official description:… opens virtual door to UN climate change summit in Bali
I just got the news that the international non-profit network has launched an island in Second Life called "OneClimate" to promote public action on Climate Change. In the 1990s, OneWorld was instrumental in bringing to the web the work of hundreds of non-profit causes from around the world. So it’s appropriate that the UK-based…
Play “Whack-a-Murdoch” and smack down big media!
The media reform group Free Press has put out a fun "Whack-a-Murdoch" game to dramatize how substantial Rupert Murdoch’s media market properties are in the United States, and to make a larger point about the dangers of media being owned by a small number of giant corporations. A nice example of the use of digital…
Global Kids offers innovative “choose-your-own” job description
Remember those "Choose Your Own Adventure" books from when you were a kid? I used to LOVE those things. Well, now my friends at Global Kids have announced a new "Choose-Your-Own-Job-Description" set of job openings: We are currently looking to hire three to four people. However, each position contains more than one area of responsibility,…
Tax issues for non-profits in Second Life
Complicated issues surrounding taxation for Second Life business activity have come to the fore recently, including VAT tax for Europeans and Congressional hearings on the issue for Americans. Non-profit and charitable organizations also need to familiarize themselves with the relevant tax issues that might apply to their in-world activities. It’s simply short-sighted to think that…
Playing tourist in Brooklyn
I have found that having visitors is one of the best ways to get to know your own city. You get an opportunity to visit places you would not normally visit as a tourist in your own town, and to see familiar places with an outsider’s eyes. My father has been in town for the…