As any avatar that has not been totally disconnected from the grid knows, today the CBS television show "Crime Scene Investigators: New York" is launching a full suite of multimedia products aimed at bridging old broadcast media and new internet-based media. Here’s the rundown: Tonight’s episode of "CSI:NY" entitled "Down the Rabbit Hole" will feature…
Yes, I’ve become one of THOSE assholes
I cashed in my $100 back from Apple for being a sucker early adopter and got an Aliph Jawbone bluetooth headset. Look for me yammering on self-importantly on a major thoroughfare near you.
The Patty Limerick Pedestrian Diet & Exercise Plan
I love the simplicity and eloquence of Patty Limerick’s “Pedestrian Diet and Exercise Plan.” So much of it just makes sense and echoes my own diet and exercise regime. But one tidbit really struck me about the value of walking beyond just the health benefits: As you set out for a walk, choose a problem…
“The Yellow Peril” Figurine: a reminder of Asian xenophobia
Shopping for antiques while up in the Adirondacks, I came across a cute figurine of a Chinese girl carrying water. This reminded me of a prized possession of mine, a tiny statuette of an asian woman of indeterminate origin lying with her kimono-ish dress spread out before her. An old work friend gave it to…
MacArthur Foundation asks “What Are Kids Learning in Virtual Worlds?” on November 14 at USC
I just got notice from the MacArthur Foundation that they are sponsoring an event entitled "What are Kids Learning in Virtual Worlds?" happening on Wednesday, November 14th at 6PM PST. The discussion, taking place at the University of Southern California, will feature the following speakers: Julia Stasch, Vice President of the John D. and Catherine…
Live online discussion tonight with FCC Commissioners Adelstein and Copps
Josh Stearns of media reform group Free Press sends along word of a live web event this evening with Federal Communications Commissioners Jonathan Adelstein and Michael Copps: A front-page New York Times story revealed that FCC Chairman Kevin Martin is secretly rushing to unleash a new wave of media consolidation. Now you can now fight…
“Knock Yourself Up”: one woman’s tale of becoming a single mom
There was this lovely woman Louise who had been coming to our weekly swing dance last year. She was attractive, tall, brunette, fun to dance with, and by the spring, very obviously pregnant. Apparently light exercise like walking and dancing is good for expectant mothers, and we’ve had more than a few come by our…
Grundfos celebrates UN World Development Day with events, exhibits on sustainable development
Last month I blogged about pump manufacturer Grundfos opening a sim in Second Life devoted to environmental issues (click here to teleport.) It looks like the company has made good on their promise and opened a pretty cool island focusing on different environmental issues, only somewhat connected to their products and brand. On Wednesday, October…
US State Department sponsors virtual jazz festival in Second Life on October 26
Here’s an unexpected sponsor of an online jazz festival: the US State Department. On Friday October 26, at 6AM PST, the the U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Information Programs and the USC Center on Public Diplomacy are co-sponsoring "Virtual Vibe Jazz Fest ’07" at Ilha de Intercambio Island (click here to teleport). Featuring…
Second Life Architecture Awards – Vote for your favorite build!
The First Annual Second Life Architecture and Design Competition has settled on the finalists for their competition, and now they are throwing it open to the public at large to vote for the winner online. The four finalists all look incredible to me, just from the screenshots, but you really have to see them in-world…