I’ve been a loyal customer of Earthlink ever since they acquired the excellent Mindspring ISP back in the 2000. For the most part, I’ve been happy with their service. But for the past couple of years they have been harassing me about paying for an additional "premium email account" and dial-up fee, even though I…
Dancing for diabetes research at the Waldorf
I just got home from an amazing night of fine dining, music and dancing at the swellegant Waldorf Astoria Hotel. It all started a few weeks ago when my friend and fellow lindy hopper Lauren asked me if I wanted to volunteer to be a dancer for this classy fundraiser in November. I’m always happy…
Watching the virtual sausage get made: what it takes to put on a successful Second Life event
Today, for the first time, I was on the staff side of a high-profile Second Life event put on by the Electric Sheep. Neil Gaiman and Roger Avary appeared for an in-world interview to talk about their upcoming film action-adventure film "Beowulf." The movie is completely computer-generated and will be shown on IMAX 3D, so…
AMEX machinima highlights business opportunities in virtual worlds
American Express has just released a couple of cool machinima videos highlighting the opportunities for business in virtual worlds, notably Second Life. The first gives a general overview of virtual worlds from a business perspective, while the second delves into retail opportunities within virtual worlds. The third machinima in this series will focus on real…
Reminder: My breakdance performance next week!
Just a quick reminder that tickets are almost sold out for several of the shows that are part of the PMT Dance Studio‘s Fall Showcase. I’ll be performing a breakdance routine with six other b-boys and girls on Thursday, November 15 and Sunday, November 18, choreographed by our awesome instructor and world-class B-boy Pavan Thimmaiah,…
Global Kids Open House and Non-profit Career Fair tomorrow in SL
My friends at Global Kids, a New York City based youth empowerment non-profit organization, will be holding an open house and non-profit career fair tomorrow (November 9) within Second Life. This is part of their job search to fill a number of positions within their Online Leadership Program (OLP). Come by from 1-2PM PST to…
Women’s Health Fair on Oleander Island today in SL
Today at Oleander Island (click here to teleport), come to the Second Life Women’s Health Fair, where medical professionals will speak on important health issues affecting women including cancer, heart ailments, and PCOS — a hidden womens health problem. There will also be a silent auction, with proceeds going to the organization Drive By Agony/Life…
Yehoodi Talk Show #500: The Howling Monkey show
Join Spuds and Rikomatic for another exciting Yehoodi Talk Show video podcast, recorded live from my lovely Fort Green apartment. This month, we feature a bunch of cool clips, including lindy hoppers on "Dancing with the Stars," an adolescent jazz diva, some badass footage from the Ultimate Lindy Hop Showdown, and Jojo Jackson’s new solo…
I’m headed to the “Swing and Soul” Weekend, December 7-9 in Atlanta!
I just booked my tickets for the "Swing and Soul" dance weekend from December 7-9 in Atlanta Georgia. I love the event description: This will be a weekend dedicated to that energy that we call Soul. You’ll find it in the music we play, lots of classic 60’s soul from hitmakers like Motown and Stax,…
Last day at the SSRC: from media reform to the metaverse
Today is my last day at the Social Science Research Council. It has been an honor working for the past year and a half for such an august and important institution, which for more than 80 years has facilitated social science engagement with all manner of important public policy issues — from social security to…