So you have a problem: You’ve got your real life friends on Facebook and virtual friends on Second Life. How do you keep track of who is doing what in both worlds? Fire Centaur (pictured here), a Second Life resident who resides in real world Korea, thought about this conundrum and wondered if it would…
Hurray for Frankyboy and Adriana!
Congratulations and mazeltov to my dear friends Frankyboy and Adriana for getting hitched yesterday. It was a beautiful setting for a wedding, by the Hudson river with the trees just starting to show their fall colors as a backdrop. I couldn’t be happier for the two of them, and wish them every blessing.
My full-time move to the metaverse
I am estatic to announce that starting at the beginning of November I will be starting a new job as a project manager at the Electric Sheep Company. I can’t say much more about the details before I start. But suffice to say it’s a dream job at a great company working with some of…
Virtual “Log Off Now” tee-shirt!
Wow, awesome avatar Molly Montale just sent me, as requested, a "Log Off Now" tee-shirt based on the image I posted this afternoon. Stuff like this makes me love SL. Now all I need is a real world one to match my avatar’s! Thanks, Molly!
Flickr Folk debate Second Life versus real world photography
There’ s an interesting, somewhat heated discussion in a Flickr discussion forum about the merits of Second Life photographs being posted to the Flickr photo sharing site. For those who don’t know, Flickr has become a tremendous community gathering point for thousands of amateur, expert and professional photographers to share knowledge, feedback, suggestions and encouragement…
In the immortal words of Det. Mac Taylor…
Sometimes, you just gotta log off. Someone needs to make this into a tee-shirt.
My cyberextruded face, Take Two
This is me besides my new avatar face sent to me by Larry Gardner over at Cyberextruder. In June I first visited Cyberextruder’s offices in Avatar Island (teleport SLURL) and experimented with their slick face creation system. A few weeks later, I noticed that for some reason the neck skintone was way too dark and…
Blog reactions to CSI:NY “Down the Rabbit Hole” episode
I did a quick trawl around the blogosphere to see what folks were saying about last night’s "CSI:NY" episode "Down the Rabbit Hole" that featured Second Life prominently in the story. As someone who has been active in Second Life for a year and a half, I don’t have much understanding of what it must…
“CSI: New York” proves that virtual worlds can be compelling plot devices
As a Second Life resident, I was both excited and worried about the recent episode of "CSI:New York" that was to include Second Life as a plot device. Other shows, even other CSI episodes, had used virtual worlds and online games to show us as either a bunch of sociopathic killers, weird perverts, or as…
World Bank releasing global business report in Second Life on Friday
According to a press release, the World Bank and the IFC will hold a virtual event in Second Life on Friday, October 26 as part of their public release of the report "Doing Business 2008." Starting at 8AM PST, the World Bank hopes to attract business owners, investors, aid donors, and other interested people to…