The choice of shoe for a serious lindy hopper is an important one. A lindy hopper is looking for the right balance of comfort, style, and durability to get their swing on. Fads come and go in the lindy hop world, but for the past few years, the Aris Allen has reigned supreme as "THE"…
Free VR rooms available to non-profits and educators in Second Life
About a year ago, I found out about Stephane Zugzwang’s amazing virtual reality rooms and was blown away. These rooms basically surround your avatar with a 360 degree image that is truly immersive and awe-inspiring. You can check out several at Stephane’s shop (click here to teleport.) Now I get word that Stephane is teaming…
Saying no to disco fries at 1AM
For me, one of the hardest times to eat right is late at night when I’m out with friends. Particularly if we are in a diner. You are tired and hungry after a night of frivolity, and the menu is full of fatty, carb-laden goodies. Me, I’m usually a sucker for disco fries, which is…
Lincoln Center offers jazz education videos online
Jazz at Lincoln Center announces that they are now offering a limited selection of online videos of some of their jazz education classes for those who can not attend their programs in person. Not only can you watch the recorded lectures, you can see concert performances and commentary on those performances, all carefully tagged and…
Pimp out your toilet tank!
The craft website Etsy has these fun decals that can class-up your boring old toilet, created by Vital Industries out of Denver. I got the vespa one for our apartment, which goes great with our vintage-y shower curtain. Also a good incentive to put the seat down. My cat Mole seems to approve. Only $20…
Compare US presidential hopefuls on their international positions at “08 or bust!” website
My friends at Citizens for Global Solutions have created a neat new website called "08 or Bust" that tracks the positions of each of the major candidates for the US presidency on a range of international issues. The heart of the website is an interactive comparison chart that allows you to pull up the public…
World AIDS Day events in Second Life December 1st
HIV/AIDS has affected all of us in deep and personal ways, and the race for a cure continues. I am thinking about my friend John, a wonderful artist with the most biting wit, who passed away from AIDS-related health issues about four years ago now. December 1st is World AIDS Day, and there are a…
Fundraiser dance party for equine therapy center on December 16
My friend Veri Oddfellow passes along the news about a Second Life fundraiser party for a neat cause called Great Strides. Great Strides is a Maryland-based therapeutic center that employs horses to help people with mental disorders. On Sunday, December 16, from 11am-2pm PST, DJ Nexeus Fatale will be the featured entertainment during the Great…
Shopping for Real World Gifts with Linden Dollars
Today is of course "Cyber Monday," one of the busiest shopping days of the year, when millions of employees steal company time to do their online shopping for their loved ones. Surely, Amazon’s and’s websites are taking a big hit today, but what about Second Life retailers? I did a quick in-world search for…
Muchisimas graçias, salamat, merci buckets — Feeling Thankful
I’m brining a turkey breast and getting ready to spend Thanksgiving with my mom and sister. I’m hosting the family Thanksgiving dinner for the time, which is very exciting. As I try and get everything set, I’m thinking of all the blessings I have: My Friends and Family: I feel so blessed to have so…