The One Laptop Per Child folks are offering a very special "twofer." If you buy two of their incredibly cute "XO laptops" for $400, one of them goes to you (or your kid) and the other to a child in the developing world. I would love to have one of these adorable little machines. Talk…
Congrats, Mister Jesse!
Image by Larry Kang Congratulations to my buddy Jesse Miner, whose swing music podcast "Hey Mister Jesse" was one of the featured ‘casts on Adam Curry’s Podfinder show this week. For those that don’t know, Adam Curry basically invented the term podcasting and is still a leading figure in the podcast community. So having him…
Jury Duty: meet fascinating people, and send them to jail
Just got home from my first day of jury duty in New York criminal court, just a few blocks north of my apartment. I realized again how jury duty puts you into contact with people from all sorts of subcultures and strata of the city that don’t often come into close proximity of each other. …
Global Aid Foundation seeks NGO partners to manage shared island in Second Life
I received this appeal from the Global Aid Foundation for help in keeping their sim Castella (teleport SLURL) alive: Global Aid Foundation has diligently been trying to establish a base of operations for our organization and to serve as well as a platform for other NGO’s. After almost a year of presence in SL and…
My new moo cards: The right hat is essential for the well-dressed avatar
My new batch of moo cards arrived in the mail on Friday. They are teh awesome!
An unexpected night stroll through lower Manhattan
Image used under a CC-license by SamPac. So it was supposed to be an uneventful Friday evening. I had decided that I was going to beg out of the various social engagements going on that night so that I could start packing for my big move on October 1st. Little did I know that by…
Virtual Upper East Side? Someone PLEASE re-create a COOL part of New York
I’m just dying for an authentic, interesting part of New York City to get built in Second Life. Nearly a year ago Versu Richelieu created a simulation of one of the most boring blocks in Manhattan, 39th and Fifth Avenue. Then for Christmas we had a virtual Rockefeller Center designed by Aimee Weber Studios for…
Free Press is looking for an Events Manager for the next Natl Conference for Media Reform
The awesome media reform group Free Press is looking for an events manager to help them organize the next National Conference for Media Reform, scheduled for June 2008 in Minneapolis. I was at the 2007 NCMR which was an inspired gathering of thousands and thousands of people fighting for more democratic, participatory media. This is…
ISP ad from the non-Net Neutral future
Cool internet researcher dude Jeremy Husinger sent around a link to this brilliant fake ad for what our internet access rates might look like in a world without Net Neutrality public policy. The most effective illustration of what is at stake I’ve seen yet. Taken from NOTE: No licensing or authorship information was available…
MTV launches beta version of “think” youth activism site
I got an invite to join the beta version of MTV’s new youth activism site "think" yesterday. Looks like an another way to facilitate activist social networking, group blogging, calls for action, volunteer matchmaking, and awareness-raising about various issues. Non-profit organizations can use "think" to try and reach out to a younger demographic for their…